April 24th, 2012


Congratulations to all of the players who received offers from the scouts! It's an exciting time, as well as quite a serious one, so I hope people are able to enjoy having made a significant achievement as well as contemplating the future.

I decided several weeks ago that I was not going to try and get back to match fitness in order to go to tryouts over the summer, so I have been focusing on the Tournament and trying to help our squad rather than on what job I will have probably why I sucked so much at the interviews for office based stuff. Ugh. Not a single offer coming from those, I think - wait, scratch that. It was a surprise to receive some offers from teams on a support staff basis, so it seems I have some serious thinking to do of my own!

Private - French (addressed to herself, but Team Fab can read and comment)

Tutshill Tornadoes - assistant to the analyst

Pros: 1) Team has an excellent reputation, so I would be learning from one of the best. 2) Would allow for remaining in the UK, which I have grown to become fond of. 3) Match Analysis not something I had necessarily considered as a career, but would not be too difficult as it is almost the same as strategy, just after the game and not beforehand.

Cons: 1) It's not France. Or Canada. Would I like living here on an almost permanent basis? Would I be able to have much of a social life? 2) Do I know anyone associated with the Tornadoes who can give me an honest opinion? 3) Is analysis what I really want to do?

Karasjok Kites - assistant to the strategist

Pros: 1) More up and coming than the teams involved in the other offers, which would be quite exciting. 2) I hear Norway is a beautiful country and that the wizarding community is very welcoming. 3) Despite being an intern/trainee role, it pays a LOT more than the other offers - probably to try and get people there in the first place.

Cons: 1) It's Norway. I literally don't know anyone there - unless you count the Krum brothers. That could get lonely, which is a MASSIVE con. 2) Would I prefer strategy after all? I think I might be better at the sort of strategy relating to personal preparation rather than tactics, unless that's self doubt creeping in. Not sure if this is a con, as after all, I'd be there to be trained to do the job.

Quibeiron Quafflepunchers - assistant to the analyst

Pros: 1) IT'S A FRENCH TEAM. Much of my family is at least based here and it would be so lovely to be able to visit my friends who stay in the country on a regular basis. And to be based in Paris! Mon dieu, the thought! 2) Another top team, so again, the same advantages as the Tornadoes, really, on that front.

Cons: 1) Not all of my friends intend to stay in France, so I will still have to travel. 2) There is a lot to be said for expanding one's horizons by living in another country - and let's face it, I've been doing that since the age of 11 anyway.

Brothers Krum -in English

You guys are half Norwegian, right?