December 19th, 2012


So. I have somehow ended up actually having a date to the ball, right after saying I was perfectly happy without one. That is really not what I expected to happen.

Beauxbatons - aka Team Young, Fabulous and French (ish). In French.

His name is Henry, and he is one of the 7th year students. From Hufflepuff, I think - they are the ones who wear black and yellow, yes? He is in my Muggle Studies class, and he seems to be quite quiet, just not shy. I suppose that is why I was surprised that he asked me - that he's quiet, I mean. Luckily, he's tall, so we won't look ridiculous together if I wear heels.

On a different note, at the weekend I am thinking of doing something along the lines of a Cabane a Sucre (that's a Sugar Shack to Anglophones) because there is plenty of fresh snow. It's something I talked about with some of the students from my school, but I forgot about it until my grandmother sent me some traditional syrup and maple sugar in another gift package. I have included a picture here so you can see what a traditional one looks like.

Wave wand for picture )