February 25th, 2013


It is so bizarre to think that it is already nearly springtime. Whilst I miss seing what the south of France is like at this time of year - for it is certainly more green than where I grew up - there is something cool and brisk about Scotland by comparison. It makes rather a good, brisk walk or jog around the grounds at weekends, and I would certainly hate to miss that. I'm already missing out on playing Quidditch this year, so I really need to keep up my physical fitness for tryouts. Though, the slightly cooler temperatures do make a person want to run faster when they are wearing running clothes, so I suppose there is an advantage to speed training in that.

Beauxbatons - French

The more this year goes on, though, the more I miss playing Quidditch. The talk of a ground game only serves to remind me of that, really. I really fail to see how they could not have proper Quidditch games alongside the tasks this season - it just smacks of dreadfully poor organisation, if you ask me. I firmly believe that when it is the turn of Beauxbatons to host the tournament, they will do a much better job, have far more sensible tasks and have a tournament alongside it. Still, someone has to show the rest how it is done. It may as well be our school.Especially if our champion cannot