Alden Castel [Leviathan]

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[5. In Berith's apartment] Oct. 16th, 2010 @ 03:23 am
[He was still angry at Aim when the demonling showed up and said he had a message to deliver, and the Hellmouth went on a big spiel about having assisted him from the days they rebelled against heaven, and how much trouble he caused when he was having his nervous breakdown in Hell, and how much he made the Leviathan worry because, all things aside, they were still brothers, and the wings might be tattered and torn but they were still there and they clearly still meant something.

And then the demonling said 'Cake tasting upstairs. You're invited.'

And in the span of two, maybe three seconds, Leviathan was eating a piece of cheesecake out of Aim's hand.]
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