Father of the Pride [entries|friends|calendar]
Jason Richards

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[12 Sep 2024|10:49pm]
Character Information )

Drop Box [17 Apr 2015|08:17pm]
OOC Contact

Post here for plots

Player: Dee
AIM: Laele25

Email to Tyrese - 9/17 - 5:17pm [16 Jan 2015|02:28pm]
You've got mail. )

Email to Luke - 9/17 - 5:07 pm [16 Jan 2015|02:03pm]
You've got mail. )

Text to Jo - 9/15 - 12:23 am [30 Dec 2014|03:22pm]
Text to Jo )

Texts to the Pride - 9/15 - 12:12 am [30 Dec 2014|02:29pm]
Text to Chloe )

Text to Hannah )

Texts to the SCU, 9/15, 12:04 am [30 Dec 2014|01:35pm]
Text to Marie )

Text to Luke )

Texts to the SCU - 8/29/14- Wee hours of the morning [25 Sep 2014|08:35pm]
Text to Marie )

Text to Luke )

Text to Braeden )

Text to Ty )

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