User: | _mustang_ (497544) |
Name: | Mustang | ||||||||||
E-mail: | onehundredvoicess@gmail.com | ||||||||||
Bio: | Player Name: Loz Age: 29 Contact: onehundredvoicess@gmail.com AIM: onehundredvoices YiM:onehundredvoices Timezone GMT Character Original name: Sally Gilchrist Tribal name: Mustang Tribe: Chet Role: Stripper and prostitute Age/DOB: 26 27/11/1989 Sexuality: Bi Sexual Relationship status: Single Family: Brother Thomas Gilchrist (whereabouts unknown) Father- David Gilchrist (Dead) Mother- Yvonne Gilchrist (Dead) Physical description: Curvaceous with a wicked gleam in her eye. She has inherited her dark hair, eyes and olive skin from her father, and her laughing mouth from her mother. She dresses like she's asking to be unwrapped, and she'll only break a nail to save her own life, but only her own. Vamp make up and high heels are a must. Distinguishing marks:Long scar on her chest Personality: As single minded as she is dirty minded, Mustang only takes care of number one since she lost contact with the brother. Mustang knows what she wants and will do whatever she has to do to get it. Male or female she’ll screw it, as long as they can give her something she wants or needs. It doesn’t matter if they know they’re paying or thinks she cares, she won’t touch them unless they’re useful. She has the beginnings of Bi Polar disorder, probably inherited from her mother, but she’ll never admit it, or get help. Skills and Training: Actually due to the life she led pre Pulse, she’s very well educated, excelling in French and the violin. She just doesn’t like to show it. Also she’s a damn good stripper. Strengths and weaknesses: Strengths Great memory, moral flexibility, self reliance, decent fighting skills Weaknesses Moral flexibility, slight insanity, selfishness, narcissism Items carried: A sharp, concealed knife History: The ultimate riches to rags girl. Born as a member of the neuvouz riche of Boston, Sally Gilchrist had everything, except a real family. Her parents were always somewhere else, her father striving to maintain his shadowy business empire, her mother merrily working to social climb, with shallow friends who only followed the money and who wouldn’t have known real friendship if it bit them in the bum. This left Sally and her younger, by three years, brother Thomas to be raised by a succession of nannies. However, it wasn’t a completely loveless early life. Sally and her brother grew up to be very close, a closeness that lasted until circumstances forced them apart, and which still has an effect on Mustang now, as when her rarely used conscience kicks into play it usually does so by wondering what Thomas would think. Dragged through the best prep schools and mercilessly bullied for her family background, Sally rebelled, becoming the archetypal bad girl, growing worse as she aged. At sixteen in the process of screwing her way through everyone deemed to be from ‘the wrong side of the tracks’, she made the mistake of falling in love with and falling pregnant by, a man who declared himself to be in love too, after he found out how much her family was worth. He was even happy about the baby, until Sally told him that her father had already said she would be disinherited if she had a baby before she got into her twenties and was married. She never saw or heard from him again. Shortly later Sally lost the baby. The only other person who ever knew about the baby was Thomas. For a while, the trauma of the experience calmed her down and she even got back on to speaking terms with her family. However, this new and happy equilibrium, that could have put her back on the right track did not last , as within the year her father had been investigated for fraud and handling stolen goods, thus the vast majority of what the family had was removed, as it was considered the proceeds of crime. Sally’s mother, always more concerned with the way things looked than with the actual workings of her family, was literally driven crazy by this new development and the reaction of her society ‘friends’, who quickly abandoned her and used what they knew about the Gilchrist’s, particularly her husband and daughter, against her. Thus eighteen months after the devastating loss of her baby, Sally found herself completely alone, with her mother institutionalised, her father imprisoned and herself and Thomas placed separately within the care system. Sally quickly ran from care, living on her wits and what remained of her father’s reputation, falling into stripping, with the stage name ‘Mustang Sally’ before graduating onto extras for cash. This life stayed with her until the Pulse. Given this new freedom, she used her body as currency; she travelled until she reached Stone Gap and hooked up with the Chets, doing anything to get what she wanted. The only thing that has remained constant since the fracturing of her family, is her certainty that her brother is alive, and determination that she will one day find him. Writing Sample: Mustang lived on her wits, always had even as a privileged kid breaking the rules, she preferred it that way. That way you relied on yourself, and in the end no one relied on you. That was what attracted her to the Lawu, the safety in numbers aspect without all the touchy feely rubbish. She knew she could disappear tomorrow and while people might notice, it would be very unlikely that anyone would care enough to look. She also knew this would worry some people, but not her; she liked the idea of being able to pick your world. Even in its current fragmented state, the idea of existing within a society still bothered her. So here she was, using Mustang as her reality now, as her name and her real identity, living in a way that would make her mother ashamed. The thought made her laugh; everything she’d ever done anyway had ‘brought shame on the family name’, now she just didn’t use it and chuckled to herself at the thought. Before, her mother had always insisted on calling them the ‘Boston Gilchrist’s’ trying to make them sound as if they were old money, not based on criminal activity. The woman had always been nuts. Mustang considered her position as of now. Lot was still her primary target, but he seemed to prove difficult to get to, and that henchman of his seemed to see right through her. So, there were the other tribal leaders and co leaders to consider, now that they’d settled somewhere a little busier. Time to sharpen her claws. Character Journal: ![]() Played by: Eliza Dushku Plot Points: Pissing people off Mental illness Her Brother Being accepted Love Anything else?: | ||||||||||
Schools: | None listed | ||||||||||
Friends: | |||||||||||
Friend of: | 46: 2ndson, _conquest_, _filly_, _honey_, _kahea_, _miles_, _mustang_, _protectorate, _reina, _ryder_, _scotch, _swift, abardstale, ashes_to_asher, black_cat_, buck_, darkestraven, dearestlady, goddessofearth, gogo_gadget, greene_grower, hexenhold, hiddenjewel, in_b_tween, kestral, libraryprinc3ss, minimouse, nightshade_, nomadsmods, ouesthero, pixie_dust_, polygamist, primitive_soul, rebel_con, ruby_red, savageweapon, scarlettrose, second_bee_, shine_, shortofbreath, stonegapmod, tempting_fate, thehuntgoeson, wander_darkstar, water_gurl, wren_reflected | ||||||||||
Member of: | 13: devils_past, devils_tower, devils_towerooc, nomadsooc, nomadspast, nomadsrpg, stonegapcomms, stonegapooc, stonegappast, stonegaprpg, therefuge_ooc, therefuge_past, therefuge_rp | ||||||||||
Account type: | Free Patient |