The Deadliest Sin -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[17 Nov 2011|08:33pm]
I really never have any idea what to write in these online blogs. And I really don’t want to share my personal life, any of it, more than needed. So instead of just rambling nonsense about bands no one other than the people in my house listen to, movies no one else has seen, and things no one else will probably even understand, I curled up with a bottle of vodka and decided I would let people ask any question they wanted and I would answer them. We’ll call it Ask Sin because I’m not feeling particularly creative or really care what it goes by. So here we go.

This first one is from an acquaintance that would like to remain anonymous because she’s worried it will start a fight. All the more reason to name them but I’m a good secret keeper I suppose. What would you do if there was a girl mooning over the man you loved, but the man couldn't see that said girl was mooning over them?
This is a very difficult question to answer for more than one reason, like how the word love is tossed in there. And I don’t think most people would be interested in the same type of guy as I am, either. I’ll give this a shot though. The first thing I would do is explain to the guy how fucking stupid he is and start questioning why I was giving him the time of day, let alone sleeping with him. Then I would give him two options: he could take care of her or I would. Private to Jayde: Does this have to do with the other thing you told me?

This next one is from Dru. My Dru since there’s two of them. Well, my roommate Dru. Fuck it, figure it out if you’re lost. What is the best way to get glitter out of fabric? Especially when it's so embedded that everything you own shines… until you put it on or sit on it and it decides to get EVERYWHERE and be free suddenly?
First thing, STOP FUCKING PIXIES. After giving you a ride home, I kept finding pieces in my car randomly for two weeks. Tape works if you want to spend forever patting your clothes down with a piece or two, or you could spring for a lint roller because they’re just as sticky. They also say you can use hairspray, NOT the hairspray in my bathroom, and spray the bad sections with it. Once it dries you should be able to shake the glitter off.

Surprisingly, Fratboy played along. What’s the best way to off yourself so that it looks like an accident?
If this is a serious personal debate for you let me know. I would be more than happy to kill you and save you the time; Dom would probably like to help too. Your girlfriend has the address. Ahem. In case it was just a question that you wanted me to answer for the hell of it, great choice. There’s two really good options here off the top of my head. The first one would be a drug overdose, because if you aren’t acting weird or mentioning anything about dying, etc, it can look accidental. The second one isn’t very interesting either; drink enough so you won’t look sober and then drive into something at a high speed. Pick another car on the highway, cause a pileup, and then at least you make the papers.

Private to Dom ((ooc incest warning)) )

Now that those questions are answered, I have to go finish organizing things for my shoot next week, and double checking the bag I take with me. This gives the guys in my house exactly two minutes to make sure all of my actual expensive nail polish and eyeliner make it to my bag before I get into it to avoid ashtrays flying towards them at high speeds. I know you guys have it but I really need to get it all together so put it back and let’s avoid me doing room searches where I keep everything I find that I like. Oh and if anyone else wants my opinion on anything, just leave questions here, with a note if you want it anonymous or I WILL plaster your name to it. Not a mind reader, people.
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