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I know you well enough to know you never loved me. [May. 3rd, 2010|03:14 pm]
[mood |creative]
[music |Taking Back Sunday- Cute without the E]

Well, well. Me and Eric talked all first period and we somehow got into the topic of me almost having sex with him. He said to me, "I broke up with you because I couldn't be your first and then cheat on you. I couldn't hurt you like that." I always knew this, and I wrote about it before I think. Eric could of had sex with me but he broke up with me before he did. Can you imagine if we had sex and then he broke up with me? I was always so thankful for that. No matter what mean and hurtful things Eric says to me, I will always love him as a person for not taking advantage of me. For not having sex with me because he could have. I am so grateful. And I told him thank you today. (But what makes me get a little upset is that he said "...and then cheat on you." Why did he have to cheat on me? What didn't I give him? Why couldn't he be satisfied?)

We kept talking and he told me he thinks we'll eventually have sex. And I laughed in his face and said that'll never happen..I can't believe you actually think I will. & he put his hand out. I think its pretty strange to bet if your going to have sex with someone or not..but I did. I said I can't believe you think I will. & he's like I just want to prove a point. Whats the point? I asked. "That," he said, "I'll tell you tomorrow." I think he wants to prove I'm still in love with him.

Today I saw Joey countless times and he gave me the dirtiest look I've ever received in my whole life. I wish so bad I could describe this look. It's almost as if hes looking at me like I'm the most disgusting creature on the face of this earth. I wish I could describe how I feel after he gives me one of those looks. Usually, with Tanya right by his side. I hate that she made him hate me. Its not fair. But I realized, she may of made him be this way, but he let her. Everything hes done to me..has been so fucked up. I did all of that for him and again, this is how he treats me. I hope I always remember how he made me feel and how terrible hes treating me right now. I never want to go back to someone that is like this.

I learned from all of this, that I need to take it slow. No matter how much I want the person to like me, or show him I like him, I can't do anything sexual with him. I need to tell him in words..maybe even tell him about my history and why I NEED to take it slow. I need to realize my life can't be filled with negative and hurtful people. I need to realize people will disapoint me..But there's someone out there that WILL love me. He is waiting for me with bright blue eyes and his arms wide open..for me to crawl into :) To ask me what my favorite color is, and that they love my nose. & that everyone that has hurt me has only made me stronger and just brought me to him. That person is out there.
link1 suicide note|talk shit

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [May. 2nd, 2010|07:50 pm]
[mood |okay]

I've been feeling pretty good. I've hidden Joey on facebook but I still get the urge to go on Tanya's page. He wrote her a song and has it on his music myspace. Hearing him sing about how much he loves her hurt a little. I just wonder why can't anyone like me or love me that much. Why couldn't he like me as much as he likes her? I know I should stay positive but those thoughts like to dance around in my mind pretty often.
Me and Tori aren't really as close as we used to be. Shes become really close with someone else (molly), and it just makes me feel awkward. She also has a thing with this kid named Silvester so we don't hangout or talk as much. Molly came into our gym period and she walked around the track with Tori which is something that I usually do. Its just weird. I feel replaced and I'm jealous and I just don't like it.
My dad talked to Frank (my boss) and basically I might still have my job and Frank said he'd call on Tuesday and let me know. I don't think he's going to call. It sucks I won't be making money but I can just look for new ways to make it. It is what it is!

I am reading The Perks of Being A Wallflower for the fifth time..It's amazing. I love it so much, and I really suggest everyone to read it. I am putting a post-it note on all the parts I love or think are amazing. I want to post-it note the whole book!! When I find someone that is just as amazing as the book, I will give it to them. :)
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

How can you love me when I am ugly? Guess I can only hope.. [Apr. 27th, 2010|02:48 pm]
[mood |weird]
[music |Lights- Second go]

I guess i've been lacking in the self confidence department. But then again, when you are constantly the second choice, who would feel confident? Who would feel pretty.. Every boy I've ever liked always picked someone else over me..Joey did twice. I used to think I was good looking but now I don't. I constantly look at my face with disgust and sometimes I wanna cry. I'm getting another microdermabrasion soon. I have acne scars on my face and I want them removed. Everyone thinks I don't need a microdermabrasion and that my scars will fade..but I don't want to wait. Today three people told me I was pretty and I looked at them as if they had 3 heads. One kid asked me if there was a reason why I looked so pretty today. I said no, and that I don't look pretty. I wasn't fishing for compliments but I just didn't want to hear him say I was pretty..and he's like "So you've heard different? Is that why you don't think your pretty?" Idk. People have defiantly called me ugly before. Everyone has their own opinion. I told him yeah, and he said something along the lines of a bright star dying. ? I don't know.....Then I was walking towards my house and Austin Small said to me "Whats up beautiful?" and i'm like "Please, haha. Get outta here." & he's like "What?" and i'm like "Im not beautiful.." and he's like "Are you crazy?" I looked at him, and he's like "I only speak the truth." Blah. I wish I felt pretty.

Mono likes me and its annoying and awful. He texts me all the time..and yesterday he came to my class to pick me up and walk me to my bus. I hated it. I think he's so repulsive and he has such a horrible personality. I told him that I could never like him..he's done so many terrible things to me! He tried to sabotage every relationship I was in. Ugh. When he was walking me to my bus he was telling me Joe talks all this shit on me and says I've been obsessed with him for two years..blah blah blah. & I'm like Ok, he'll want me back, watch. & he's like "No, he won't want you back. Ever." I'm like haha okay..and he's like "You wouldnt go back to him right???" Like shut up. Everything thats coming out of your is probably a lie, like always, you stupid motherfucker. I hate him! He's a monster.

Well..bad news for myself. Looks like I won't have a job this summer. Last year a hurricane hit and all the beach chairs got destroyed and thrown around everyone..I can't even describe how bad it was. All the beach chairs were still wired up but going in all different directions. It was a disaster. & of course all our locks got fucked up..and we needed new wire..and it was just bad. So once we eventually fixed it up we didn't lock up all the chairs because A) we didn't have enough locks B) we asked my boss for locks and he said go look in the chair room..his cheap ass wouldn't buy we didn't lock up a couple. & an attendant came down and saw the chairs weren't locked up and complained to my boss and my boss flipped out and said if he had new people he'd fire us all. It didn't seem like a big deal to me at all. We're guarding our lives for beach chairs for god sakes! It's just a beach chair! & I didn't think he was that pissed..but this year me or my sister didn't get letters saying they wanted us back..and they usually do every year. So my dad finally called yesterday and Norlaine said she'd have Frank call my dad and he never did..what an ass. Frank hates confrontation so I knew he wouldn't call. He doesn't have the balls to say he isn't hiring me or my sister again for the stupidest reason..and to top it all off.....Colleen applied for the Job (thinking she'd be working with me)...and she has an interview on thursday. Colleen is going to get the job, and I won't. Gee, I'm lucky.
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

So we livin like a video, where the sun is always out and you never get old [Apr. 18th, 2010|11:12 pm]
[mood |listless]
[music |Jay Z- Forever young]

The cut on my wrist is fading. So are my feelings for Joe. I usually go to bed early so I can escape from reality. When I sleep I can do whatever I want in my dreams. Its much better than staying up soaking in regret, heartbreak, and dissapointment. But recently I've been past that. My eyes hurt.

& will you tell all your've got your gun to my head..
link1 suicide note|talk shit

I'm sorry I hurt you..but you taught me how. [Apr. 17th, 2010|05:33 pm]
[mood |crappy]
[music |Angels & Airwaves- Lifeline]

Where to begin...
Saw Joey everywhere in school. We just walked past each other and didn't look each other in the eyes. As if we were strangers. As if what happened between us didn't happen. He didn't care. He didn't go into my lunch the whole week. He has a "thing" with this girl Tanya. Tanya has been going out with this kid Dante for more than a year but shes realized shes never stopped loving Joe. (they used to go out in seventh grade. I'm getting all this information from a friend of a friend of dante's. haha) Anyway, her and Dante are done and she will probably start going out with Joey. In school Tanya gives me death stares. She looks at me as if I'm scum. Tori told me she passed Tanya and Joey one day and Tanya said "If I see her, I'm going to say something." I didn't really understand why Tori told me this. Because I've never talked to Tanya in my life so why would Tori even think Tanya was referring to me. But it came clear to me that it was in fact me..I was walking to my locker when I saw Tanya and Joey walking there too. I was like shit. But I couldn't turn around because they already saw me. I quicky went to my locker and was putting my code in as I hear Tanya scream "....but you won't let me say anything to her!!!" I don't know what she said before that..but yeah..and from the corner of my eye I saw her do something behind my back. Like get real close to me and put her arms back, with her hands clenched. Its really hard to describe but I'm sure you know what I mean. Like pretending to hit me almost. Anyway, I don't know why she wants to talk me...I did nothing. She technically had a boyfriend when Joey and me kissed so why would she care? & Joey got with 3 other people..and she was there for every single one of them.

On a different note, Joey tore his acl which is pretty serious. Karma.

I get a missed call from Joey on thursday. I call him back. He says "Whats up shawtyyyyyyy." Then hangs up. I text him saying O.
This is our convo
J: that wasn't me so don't try and get big
M: i'm not trying to get big.
J:K it was matt so dont text me saying O
M: I'm pretty sure if I called you and then hung up, you'd say O too
J: No I wouldnt cuz I wouldn't answer
M: k joe sorry
M: Did you mean to call me earlier or was that matt too
J: I didnt fucking call u u dumbass
M: You called me at 4 25..chill
J: Dont fucking text me. I didn't call u bye

I know his voice, it wasn't Matt. & me and matt aren't he'd never call me. & obviously my name had to been brought up if matt did call me.

I deserve to be treated like this? I haven't talked to him for a week, since that night. & this is how he's going to treat me?
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

I've got a world of chances for you. World of chances, chances that your burning through [Apr. 12th, 2010|12:01 am]
[mood |crushed]
[music |Demi Lovato- World of chances]

I have been crying. Mono was texting me and I told him what he heard was true. I don't care if he knows. I told him how I was feeling.(I feel like I have no one else to talk to. Funny, I'm spilling my heart out to someone I despise.) He said to me 'You were used.' Just seeing those words was like a slap in the face. I knew I was. It's pretty obvious. Joey hasn't talked to me since. But just seeing them. Actually feeling it. I was used. I was used. I was used. I was used. I was used. I was used. I was used. I cut myself. It stings. So bad.
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

Your eyes matched your heart, black and cold. [Apr. 11th, 2010|11:07 pm]
[mood |crushed]
[music |Demi Lovato- Two worlds collide]



old joe :'(

new joe........



link3 suicide notes|talk shit

Sometimes we know we shouldn't..& thats exactly why we do. [Apr. 11th, 2010|05:26 pm]
[mood |dumb]
[music |The Starting Line- This ride]

I don't want to write this entry but I know I should. I sometimes wish people couldn't read this so no one would be dissapointed in me. But just like my headline says, sometimes we know we shouldn't..and thats exactly why we do. I am me and sometimes I don't know why I do the things I do.
So, Senni......she was having a birthday party and invited everyone but me. Even people she hasn't talked to for months. So I was like wow, I didn't even flip out on her (which i should have) and she's gonna have a party and invite everyone but me? Really? So I get really upset and I talk to my sister about it and she talks about how her friends did something like that to her before. & she just threw a party to get back at them. "Too bad I can't throw a party.." I got really quiet, and then Christina said I could have about 15 people over on friday and Brendan would buy us beer. A "get together". :))))))))
Its Friday and I'm shitting my pants. Nervous. I've invited a little less than 15 people. I didn't know if Joey was coming or not. Around 7:30..Carmine, Sergio, Max, and..Joey show up. I'm already with Tori and Chloe. Everyone was at my house by 8. This is who was there -
Tori, Chloe, Carson, Carson's friend, Joey, Max, Carmine, Sergio, Devan, Ilana, Caroline, Sydney, Molly, Tyler, Tyler's friend, Colleen, and Julie. When you look at the list, it doesn't look like a lot of people. Or when you think of 15 people. Atleast I don't think it was a lot..and it really was. My house is pretty big but I felt like there was a lot of people there. Felt more than 15. Right away me and Joey are all over each other. I could not get my hands off him. I sit on his lap and we kiss forever. I felt like I've never kissed anyone as long as I kissed him. Felt like hours. It was nice. I was first supposed to be Tori's pong partner but as soon as Joey went into the kitchen I ditched Tori and followed Joey like a sad puppy. Oppss, sorry Tor. Anway, he sat down and I leaned towards him and we basically just looked into each others eyes for a while and then he leaned in and we kissed. Carmine, Sergio, and Max were in the room but we didn't care at all. Carmine and Max made a couple jokes saying "Joe your the man!" and something else that I don't remember. But basically they made it sound like Joey had a different girl last night.I stopped kissing him and Joey said "Chillll guys." I was like, "Did you get with someone last night too?" and he's like, "No, their just messing.." As we continue to kiss Joey stops and he's like "hey max, can you put this bitch under my phone as "thursday"............... I was like wtf Joey. and he starts to laugh and he's like I'm just kidding chill! "It's actually friday," I mutter. But he pushes me towards him and kisses me hard and I forget everything.
We eventually move it to the couch and Brendan comes down with me practically on Joey. Awkward. At this point everyone is having lots of fun. People are either playing beer pong, flip cup, or just talking. Joey and I tear apart for a little while he plays beer pong. Tyler sits next to me and is practically begging me to get with him. I was like 'No, sorry. I've already kissed someone tonight..and It'd just be wrong." Tyler's like "He'd never find out. Come on. Look, he's flirting with other girls." I just stayed quiet and then got up and said I had to go to the bathroom. I didn't really know what to say to Tyler but I would never do that. I have feelings for Joey first of all, so theres no part of me that wanted to get with Tyler. Secondly, thats just gross. Him being so desperate was a huge turn off. He practically asked outloud "Who would makeout with me?"
As I go to the bathroom Joey comes into the kitchen. We go outside and we kiss some more..then we go back to the couch and he asks me to give him head. I say no. (Btw, I told him I had my period earlier in the night so he wouldn't try to finger me. I really didn't. But I just thought it'd be easier if I lied.) He's like "Okay can you atleast give me a handjob" NOOOOOOOOO I yell! He asks why and I'm like "Joe you don't even like me." He's like "I never said that. I told you I liked you." We start to kiss again and he makes me kiss his neck over and over again which he swears feels amazing. He then asks me again. His blue eyes look me straight in the face and he says "a handjobs nothing." I say "Joey people will think I'm a slut." He's like "Who cares what they think and who am I going to tell? I won't tell anyone." I look at him..and I say ok. He kisses me so hard. His tongue pushing hard against mine. We get up and he leads me outside. I refused to do it on the deck and I was so afraid Brendan was going to come outside. Joey brings me down my back steps and he picks me up as I mutter Brendan is going to catch us. "No hes not babe. It's fine." I'm a sucker for the word babe. Especially coming out of Joe's mouth. We go into my back alley and he unzips his pants. I put my hands over his dick and I stroke it and start to give him a handjob when we both hear the front door slap. At this moment Joey's eyes pop out of his head. It would of made me laugh if I wasn't shitting my pants. He quickly puts his penis back in his pants and zippers his pants as BRENDAN walks down the steps. Brendan was like "I hope you guys weren't doing what I thought you were doing. Marissa I hope you weren't giving him a blowjob" I tried to explain that I wasn't and that we were just kissing. But he didn't really believe me. & who knows what he really saw. As we went in, things got worse. Devan was trashed and threw a whole cup of water at Joey. He wanted to fight her. He was pretty drunk. I guess he was trashed. But he wanted to fight her and Me, Carmine, Sergio and Ilana were holding him back. Oh, and max too. Joey wouldn't sit down and eventually he got a hold of a knife and threatened to kill Devan. Yes, this is crazy. I know. Anyway, I almost start hyserically crying as I look up to Joey holding a knife slurring his words saying he's going to kill the bitch. I thought I was going to get killed. I guess I didn't realize how drunk he really was. He eventually got the knife out of his hand but he later picked up another one. It was bad. He kept telling me to get off him and he's fine. Blah. Then he wanted to fight Max because Max was telling him to calm down and Joey was just nuts. Everyone was trying to calm Joey down. We brought him into the living room which was a bad idea because Devan was there. Joey called her a purple monster. (lol) She was wearing a purple shirt. But anyway they both kept screaming stuff at each other and Joey was a mess and barely looked at me.
My sister comes down the steps and tells us she just got a text from my dad saying hes coming home tonight rather then saturday. Everyone looked at her and just continuted their conversation. I didn't believe her..but my dad really did come home. We cleaned up the house in time with the help of some of my friends. We got everyone out around 10 I think. Joey kissed me before he left. But I followed him outside to say goodbye. He prob wouldn't of if I didn't go outside. =///// Tori slept over. Everyone said they had a really good time. My dad came home and knew I had people over but he didn't know how much beer there was. (2 thirtys) He wasn't mad, maybe because we cleaned up so well. I don't know.
The next day was Joey's birthday. I wished him a happy birthday and he never replied. I went to a baseball game a couple days later and saw him and did my best trying to avoid him. A couple days ago I was walking past Jojos with Zoe and Tori and who was in the last booth..looking straight out the door...Joey. Later that night I saw him again. We never said hi. I just wanted to die everytime. I don't know why I saw him so much. He doesn't even live in Ventnor.
I don't know why I did what I did. Was it peer pressure? I don't know. All I know is I didn't care. I asked Tori if I should before I did and she said no and as soon as she said that I still knew I was going to. She later told me she was dissapointed in me and I felt nothing. I just didn't care. I knew we wouldn't become anything after that night. I just did it and didn't give a fuck. But I wish I could understand why I'm like this. I talked to Dallas about it and she said to me "Marissa, you know who made you this way." "Eric?" I whisper. She says Yes. Was it Eric that made me this way? Not care. Give myself away to boys and just not care. Be a slut to the ones I like. First Jimmy, and now Joey. Two people that didn't care about me. I cared way too much about them. I don't know why I gave him a handjob. I really don't. I knew it was stupid. A couple days later Mono asks me if I gave Joey a handjob and I said who said that? and he said Joey. O. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Should of known. When I get back to school on Monday everyone will probably talk about it. People will know. But its my fault. No one should feel bad, or have pity on me. I deserve it. I make the same mistakes and I don't learn from them. Why. Joey hasn't talked to me. I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had .. but, i can’t because I know he won't come after me, and i guess that's what hurts the most.....

It's taken me about five days to write this entry. I really didn't want to write it. I'd often write a part, pause, and just close my laptop. I really messed up. I was just thinking about how crazy life is a couple nights ago. If someone would of told me in September that Joey was coming back I wouldn't belive them. I wouldn't. It's so weird that I saw him so much this past week. Of course when I had to leave Salvesters house on saturday Joey was going to be walking with people too. What if I left 10 mintues later. I wouldn't of seen him. Why didn't I leave earlier? Of course he sat at the booth by the door at Jojos that one day. Even though all the other tables were free. Of course he wasn't look straight at his friends but straight out the door. Of course I was walking on that side of the street. So weird.

I later found out that the next day (his birthday) he made out with Evyn and then Erinn. I
meant nothing to him. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

What keeps playing in my head - over and over again - is the first week he moved back. It was SOO good. Things were so good. Oh my god. Things were great. He wasn't how he was now. I feel like something changed him after that week. He was perfect. He hadn't even snorted pills then. (speaking of that, he supposely doesn't snort anymore.) We talked on the phone, he texted me everynight, we'd ooVoo..he was so nice, and sweet. What happened? What happened. I am crying. What happened.

I cried two nights ago (and am tearing up now) about how much Joe has changed. I am going to upload a picture later of the Joey I met, and the Joey he is now. The Joey I met in December of 07 didn't smoke, or drink. He was funny and sweet. He was young and fun and acted his age. He had braces. He smiled. He had long hair. He held my hand. He didn't curse. The Joey now has a mohwak. He barely smiles with his teeth. He's funny but hes also mean. He doesn't care about the feelings hes hurt. He rather go up your shirt than hold your hand. I wonder if Joey knows how badly he hurt me. I can't believe he didn't even text me. But "what did I expect, it's joey joyce". The famous line. Joey grew up. He's not the same. I'm not the same. People change. Right now I just hope I can start fresh and stop giving in so easily. I was taught not to show the people that hurt me, they hurt me. To not make a big deal out of it. To not call them up and curse them out, or ask why they never said hi everytime they've passed me. To act like I don't care. To act like I'm way too busy to even yell at them. To not give them the time of day. So I will fake a smile to him and pretend I'm not hurting, and if he asks me whats wrong I will say nothing. I will move on.

This whole entry makes me want to throw up. I wish someone would stop taking advantage of me. I wish I'd stop letting people. I wish someone would actually like me for me.
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

I'd say it but I'm sure you knew, you're what I look most forward to. [Mar. 27th, 2010|03:47 pm]
[mood |okay]
[music |The Starting Line- Playing favorites]

Last night I found out Senni and Eric have plans to hangout today. I got upset. I'm still in a shocked state of mind. I never thought anyone would do this to me. Senni is extremely selfish and thinks of no one else's feelings but herself. I am trying to just remember karma will hit her in the face one day. I guess I have nothing else to say, write more later.
link1 suicide note|talk shit

And if you did this to have me hurt well bitch, it worked. [Mar. 25th, 2010|03:07 pm]
[mood |aggravated]
[music |Mayday Parade- Three cheers for five years]

hey marissa. sorry i would text you this but my phone is dead like always, and i am not really sure where the charger is. so what i am gonna about to say im pretty sure you dont even want to think or talk about, but i feel that it is right to tell you and let you know, rather then holding it in and you hearing bits and pieces from other people, probably many would be rumors. so not to long ago i told you that i didn't like eric. well im not saying that i lied becuase i didn't, however im not really knowing what im feeling now. i think i might have some feelings for eric. now i know you are probably thinking wtf is she really serious right now? but im not trying to hurt you in any way at all. the thing is i cannot hold back the way i feel back. i have tried and its hard. but i dont want to go out with eric, not only because i dont want to hurt you but also because my parents specially told im not allowed to date, and also i dont want a boyfriend. but i need to know your honest answer, are you over eric? and if i were to hangout with him or talk to him, would that drastically effect our friendship so badly that we wouldnt never talk again? and if you were to say yeah senni i reallly feel uncomfortable about all this, and i wouldnt be able to friends with you, then i will drop him and everything. but please you need to know im not trying to hurt you at all in anyway. its not like i woke up today and thought hey today im gonna attempt to hurt marissa. i swear im not. but please just answer me back and tell me how you really feel. also marissa i am extremly sorry i feel this way about eric, but my feelings are mixed so idk. also another reason why i probably wouldnt go out with him is because i saw everything that he has done to you, and it was so awful and sometimes i wonder why the hell would i feel this way about a guy that has done that to one of my friends? but idk whats wrong with me, and i feel like a terrible person to you for even thinking these things, but please i know i already said this but answer me back, even though i know you dont want to talk about this.

hey. to be perfectly honestly im not shocked. i knew you guys talked, so i knew you were somewhat lying about not talking to him from the very beginning. i have no feelings for eric what so ever. not in the slightest, i don't look at him the same as i did last year, or even in the beginning of this year. would this hurt our friendship? probably not, because as you can tell it had already been broken when you did this the first time. ive always said that i knew he would do this to me, but not you. and you did it in the beginning and you swore you'd never talk to him again..and you did. but this time around i don' care that you guys talk. of course you can date him, hangout with him, kiss him, or do anything else with him. its your life. i dont understand though how you can complain and cry to tell me about devan doing this to you with robby..but yet you can do this to me with eric?? that makes no sense. what so ever. you saw everything he did to me, and you saw everything he did to courtney. but you can't help who you have feelings for. would this make you a bad friend? thats not for me to say. im not going to cry over this, or even be mad in the slightest so don't worry about that. its your life, do what you want

you are absolutly right about me and him talking. and i agree with you about our friendship it has been broken, and you are right i am being a hypercrite about the whole devan thing which i am over, and i admit it. and i know i have saw the things eric has done to you and courtney and your right i cannot help who i have feelings for. but thankyou for answering me and i am sorry for all of this. but who knows i might not even do anything with eric. im just telling you this. and i bet you think im being stupid for putting myself in this position, where i could possibly get extremly hurt. but i know what i could be getting into.

Good friend right? i don't remember if i ever wrote about the time they had a thing but she hid it from me and then i found out. but yeah, they are apparently in love. so those fuckers can do what they want. im in a bad mood. My family likes to leave king out of his cage over and over again even though they know hes not potty trained! & that results in him somehow getting into my closed bedroom door and pissing all over my roo. I'm also pissed because even though I got more then 10 comments on my hair about how good it looked, Joey gave me the most disgusted look when he saw me. Wahhhhh. . Adrian joked "remember me when you become a model"...but i still felt self- conscious about my hair because I haven't worn it curly in so long..and i didn't really like it and now joey's look just ruined it all together. BYEBYEBYE.
link1 suicide note|talk shit

And now my sandcastles fall like the ashes of cigarettes [Mar. 21st, 2010|09:39 pm]
[mood |sleepy]

On Friday I slept over Tori's house. I haven't seen her in a while so it was nice :) I slept over her house. On Saturday I hung out with Matty, his friend Joe, and Tori. We walked around and just hung out. Around 1:30 Jocelyn drove us to the Saint Patty's Parade on the boardwalk. I got free water ice at Rita's :) It was soo nice out. It's been really nice out lately. After the parade I went back to Tori's house and we waited for Allie to come over. I haven't seen Allie since December! I knew it would be awkward when she first got to Tori's house..and boy was it. We used to be the three musketeers, but things have changed. There was a lot of awkward silences. We went on the beach and sat and talked for a little, then eventually met up with Nate, Oliver, Colleen, and Joe. We watched Matty's baseball practice and then met up with some other people. Later we headed to Colleen's house and just fooled around and watched t.v. It was a good day.

Jimmy texted me today and I didn't answer. I rarely ever think about him and I never want to be with him. When I started to talk to Joe, all my feelings for Jimmy faded. I don't know what I was thinking before. & as for Eric...Oh my god, he's one of the reasons why I want school to end. I hate having him in my class. He is so annoying and concieted. I barely talk to him in class anymore because I can't stand him. When my mind would wander I always used to think "If Eric wanted to kiss me right now, would I?" and my answer would always be "yeah, why not?" Now, the answer is HELLLLLLLLLL NO! and it feels so good :) It really does just take time. I used to never regret what I did with Eric, but now I do. I mean, I don't dwell on it, and cry at night. But I do wish I didn't do anything with him, because he didn't deserve any of it.

I just finished The Last Song and it was one of the best books I've ever read. I cried hysterically for about 60 pages. Books like that always make me think differently. It gives me hope, and makes all the boys I've liked look like shit haha. It also shows me that things could be worse. I really am waiting for my prince charming :)
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

The worst way to love someone is to sit next to them, knowing they don’t love you back. [Mar. 15th, 2010|07:29 pm]
[mood |okay]
[music |Eminem- Spend some time]

Joseph completly ignored me one day in school which got me a little upset. By the end of the week though I had somewhat gotten over the whole situation with him. We had only talked once the whole week. I get a call from him on friday. "Go to the movies."
"I can't, sorry."
"Your gay."
"I promised my friend I'd hangout with him."
"Go burn in a fire and die."
*dial tone*


Then, Mono immes me today and he's like "Joey wanted to chill with you." I'm like "yeah..well I already had plans." and he's like "Well joey is an ass. He talks to my cousin." I'm like "I don't care. We don't talk anyway."

If what Mono is saying is true, what an asshole move. haha. Whateeeeeever! I'm done with eveything this kid brings.

Yesterday I went to yoga wtih my Dad, his girlfriend, Christina, and Stefanie. Speaking of my dad's girlfriend, I haven't really wrote about her but she is really sweet and I like her a lot. She stays here every couple weekends.
link1 suicide note|talk shit

Take me home, i rather die then be with you. you have a problem with the truth. [Mar. 7th, 2010|05:45 pm]
[mood |crappy]
[music |Ryshon Jones- Emotional Welfare]

I haven't wrote in a while so I don't really know where to start...
I'll try to make this quick. Joey and I made up, but then we got in another fight and he texted me the next day and said "So we are done." And I didn't have my phone on me so of course I didn't reply and he texted me again and said "K good bye." ......I'm like huh? The fight was so dumb. I didn't answer one text and he got mad at me which = fight. So I was pretty baffled. I texted him back and said "Why?" and he never replied. Then I thought maybe his first text messsage was a statement not a question. So I'm like whatever, I'm done. I got upset but I eventually got over it.
It's Monday and I was offering people my milk and here comes Joey...walking towards my lunch table. Nooo. He sits down. I continue to offer people my milk. He looks at me and says "Can I have it?" I give him a dirty look, and throw him the milk. He looks at me and hes like "Why are you being like this?" This is what I looked like... >:0 ?????
I was like what? He's like "why haven't you texted me?" I said "You told me we were done." He's like "I asked if we were and you never answered." I said "I did answer Joey." he's like "I thought you were mad at me...I jus..........I thought you were mad." I said "ok....
He's like "I want you to text me." I said "k." he said "Can you call me tonight?" I was like "Sure Joey." He then said "Can I have a hug?" I said no. He said please? I said no. He said please marissa..I said "later, once the period is over." He stood up and hes like "now.." We hugged, then he told me another couple times to call him. Through out our whole conversation he'd pause and take a long time answering for everything. It looked as if he was in another world. I later found out he was on drugs. I'll get into that though.

This past week everyday he'd tell me to call him, and if I did he wouldn't answer, or we'd talk and then he'd say he'll came me back and never would...But then he'd find me at my locker the next day and be like "Why didn't you call me, why didn't you text me?" BLAH BLAH BLAH. I was like YOU CALL ME, YOUR THE GUY. & you never called me back last night. He said "I forgot." Okay Joey, well when you really like someone you don't forget to call them. I didn't say that. But I should of. He texted me on thursday and said "whats good?" and once I replied..he didn't even answer! HE IS SO CONFUSING.

Joey has been snorting ritalin which is an ADHD medication. You crush the tablet, and then snort it. It's horrible and he just started and sometimes he does it in my lunch, like the one time he came up and talked to me. I actually witnessed him doing it and its absolutely heartbreaking. I've read so much about it and its sort of like cocaine if you abuse the use. You can get addicted and theirs so many horrible things that can happen. I don't know why Joey is doing this. I tried to talk to him about it but he just made jokes about it. I don't know. It's his life. He's not the same kid he used to be which makes me want to cry. He used to not even touch drugs. I don't know what happened. It's obvious he doesn't like me. I wish he would realize how stupid he's being. I wish Joey would stop doing drugs. :/

New Subject.
I've been so mean lately. I am obviously unhappy with me life so I've said things about people to make me feel better. Mostly about Ilana :/ I was with her last night and I just felt so fake. I really need to work on myself. There is a girl named Molly in my classes and she is so sweet and kind ..its honestly inspiring. After every class she'll say "Have a nice day Mr.'Ms. ____" Always. She'll never say anything bad about anyone. She'll always offer her food to everyone. When she takes out her gum, she'll just pass it to people. (hahah, even though its a little gesture, its so nice!) She helps people with disabilites play basketball. Gah, I love her. & none of it is a fake kind of nice, or an act. It's all genuine. I wish I could be like her. I really should try my best to be a nicer person. I feel awful for everything I've said and done this weekend. Truely. :(
link1 suicide note|talk shit

When everything goes wrong, have faith. Restart [Feb. 28th, 2010|04:39 pm]
[mood |okay]

I will write later..but right now this will do.

"people come into your life for a reason. then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. sometimes they die, sometimes they walk away, sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. what we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, so their work is done"
link1 suicide note|talk shit

You can't be dehonest to the one you love and expect them to honestly love you. [Feb. 21st, 2010|07:18 pm]
[mood |moody]
[music |Jack Johnson- Better together]

So since I was so upset and embarrassed I put my phone face down and on silent from 6 pm. Once I woke up I looked at it and I had two messages from Joey -

7:27 - I thought you were coming
12:25 am - are you kidding me

I had two missed calls too. One at 11:43 and one at 12:37 am. I even had a text message from Carmine saying that Joey is pissed that I didn't come and hangout with him. I texted Joey and said "Call me once you get up. Joe I texted you two times and you didn't answer either of my texts and I was so pissed I put my phone on silent the whole night." He says he answered the texts and I never answered him back...? We get in a fight and I write him four long text messages where he just replies "k." on everyone. It was very aggravating. Then I said "Are you saying we're done?" & he said "I didn't say anything". O. Cool. He obviously is lying and making me look like the bad guy which just gets me so mad. He swears he texted me back but why would I not get those texts, but then get the one at 7:27? Makes no sense at all. & now hes mad at me where it should be the other way around. I did nothing wrong. He never texted me.
link1 suicide note|talk shit

It's not what you said, it's what you didn't say that hurts the most. [Feb. 20th, 2010|10:35 pm]
[mood |restless]
[music |Parachute- She is love]

So I really don't want to talk about what happened today but I think its best that I write it now. Because if I don't, i'll never write about it. Soo, Joey came back on Tuesday. Bam. Just like that. It's weird seeing someone you haven't seen in two years. We both got a good glimpse of each other in lunch and all these emotions came back to me. I met Joey two years ago and we sort of had a thing. Anyway, next thing I know I'm home and Joey is texting me. He says "You're still as beautiful as I remembered." I died. We hit it off right away..and talked every night. Carmine even tells me in class that Joey wanted Carmine to try and hook us up. On thurday we video chat and then talk on the phone from 10 pm to 2 am. We talk about everything.Everything. It felt so great. We both talked about how weird it was that we sort of reunited.

A couple people through out the week told me not to like joey, and thats hes a player, and such an asshole and other shit. A lot more. Like that he doesn't even like me and didn't want to talk to me. (Talk, as in have a thing) But yet, that same day Joey wanted to make it clear that we did talk. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa. But anyway, it was mostly Mono, and Brie. You see, I should really write more on this thing because I have never talked about Mono before and I really need to express how this kid is. He is the most horrible, replusive,lying scumbag, living creature in this whole universe. He is a complusive liar and everyone knows it. EVERYONE. So when ever he talks, I just say lalalal in my head. He talks shit on everyone, and when you don't like him..thats when he says the most shit about you. He's sorta had a thing for me since the beginning of the year and he always tries to destroy my relationships. He said all this shit about Nicky when we went out and I found out it was all false. So here he goes again saying Joey only wants to use me..and all this shit. He even tells me that Joey said all this stuff about me at their lunch table. I ask everyone at the lunch table if its true..and guess what they all say.." Wtf????????????? NOO?" And then they confront Mono..and what does he say "I never said that!" I even talk to Joey about it and Joey tells me that Mono keeps telling Joey not to talk to me. Funny thing is, Mono told me through the whole week that hes going to try and set us up. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Mono is a lying bullshiting motherfucker and I wish he'd leave me alone. I have so much anger stored in about him I can't even write anymore because that sick son of a gun makes me want to puke. I fucking hate him. Ok. Now, Bri was saying shit too which got awfully annoying..because everything she said I'd say "Who told you?" & she'd say Mono. WOAH, Bri was one of the many people who ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS told me to NEVER believe mono..but now shes going to back him up? I later found out her and Joey used to have a thing and shes still bitter about it.I
yelled at her on friday because she still wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Joey and I have had plans to hangout this saturday. We talked about it everyday. I went to a concert on Friday and he even said he wished he could spend friday and saturday with me. We oovooed just last night and he asked me questions about when I'm going to his house and stuff like that. Oh ya, and during our conversations he'd always talk about how we're deffiently going to go out...............

Now, its saturday and I'm sitting home in my room. Not exactly how I planned it. I texted him around 4 30 and said hey. I got no reply..then I made Tori text him a half hour later just to see if he'd answer..and he less then a minute. (he didn't have her number so he asked who it was.) Then Tori MAKES me text him and say "Are we still hanging out?" fucking reply. No fucking reply!!!!!!!!!! I'm pissed as fuck and now my phone has been on silent face down for 6 hours. I refuse to look at it. It's embarassing. Why does every boy do this to me? I'm honestly so confused. Why would he say all this stuff ..and then not text me? Like what. It just doesn't make sense. I don't feel stupid for not beliving Mono because I know he lied about everything - accept Joey being an asshole. I just wish someone would explain to me what I did wrong. What do I always do wrong. And why couldn't he atleast make up an excuse..instead of not replying. I don't know if hes playing hard to get - or if hes just not that into me. Do guys even play hard to get?! My head is spinnning...he told me he liked me everyday. I just don't get it. How could he not like me at all after all we've said to each other?! Was he lying the whole time?....We talked just last night! What happened. I feel ugly, shitty, needy, and embarassed.
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

Time slows down whenever your around [Feb. 16th, 2010|04:58 pm]
[mood |amused]
[music |Taylor Swift- Today was a fairytale]

Joey.Joyce Is.Back.
link3 suicide notes|talk shit

If I last through this winter, I swear to you now...I won't call. [Feb. 11th, 2010|01:24 am]
[mood |okay]
[music |Pierce the Veil- She makes dirty words sound pretty]

Kingy ate my retainers which cost $250. Great. My mom was very angry. :/ I've been crying an awful lot lately. Last night I was pretty sad and I got a text from Jimmy..and Nicky. It felt like a test bc usually when I'm upset I will text Jimmy...but I didn't answer. Sucks though because I still wish I did. I know its best though that his texts remain unanswered. I had only one day of school this week due to all the snow and I won't be back in school till Tuesday because I already had off friday and monday. I am really sick of this weather and the dreadful snow.
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

I love you more than songs can say but I can't keep running after yesterday [Feb. 5th, 2010|11:28 pm]
[mood |sad]
[music |Taking Back Sunday- Make Damn Sure]

Today wasn't my day. I am sad. Today in history we had to pick partners for a project and everyone had a partner but me. That makes me sad :( I really don't have many friends at all. On the weekends I only hang out with Tori. I don't mind because I know Tori is a true friend and the things I talk to her about I couldn't ever talk to anyone else about. But I still get upset when I see my old friends post pictures on facebook very happy and defiantly having fun...while I'm at home. That makes me sad. & what makes me angry is..they are just so fake. Chloe has said so many mean things about Senni and today she hung out with her. That is just so fake. I hate people like that. It makes me want to pull my hair out. Is it sad that I can only name my true friends on one hand?

Yesterday I saw pictures of Jimmy and this girl and I got jealous so I talked to Chloe about it and she made me feel bad. She said "Just go to Jimmy's house and get used and never get a text from him." I know, I know "the truth hurts". But that was harsh..and I didn't get used. He made no promies, we did not go out. I'm not saying you have to go out with someone to get used. But in my eyes, getting used would mean him telling me he had deep fellings for me to just get in my pants. He did not do that. He never told me he liked me. I went to his house knowing exactly what was going to happen. I wasn't expecting anything more or less. I don't have to prove myself to her. I don't care what she thinks. But that still hurt. I always feel ashamed and broken with what happened because I let it happen. I hope things get better. Please.
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

Friends, lovers, or nothing? [Feb. 3rd, 2010|09:04 pm]
[mood |thankful]
[music |John Mayer- Friends, lovers, or nothing]

Today wasn't a good day in Radio Broadcasting. I choked while I was on the air and just frooze saying "umm....................ummm" and no one saved me. Gr. =/ Also, we had nothing to talk about so I thought we could bring up the phrase "That's so gay," and how many people are offended by that saying because we're using the word "gay" as an insult and how people just shouldn't say that phrase at all. The two people I'm on air with said that was a stupid idea and that "gay people are going to hell anyway." Wow. That got me so are you serious? Especially since I know so many gay people, like Tori's brother for instance. I just felt like I was slapped in the face even though I'm not gay. I thought that comment was so rude. I don't believe in hell, or heaven. I don't even know if I believe in God but I think its ridiculous that they think gay people would go to "hell". I understand people are entitled to their opinions but that just got me so mad. For the rest of the class I sat in silence with my face red.

New subject! I've been wanting this ring since October I think and my mom would not buy it for me for my birthday or christmas. She wouldn't even let me buy it myself lol. (order it offline) Its $150. A lot of money. Yesterday I got a package, and it was the ring! My brother bought it for me! One of the nicest things. I felt guilty because it was so much money but my brother told me not to worry about it. I really do have the best brother ever. I love him a lot.
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