The Social Network

September 23rd, 2010

Marcus and Amber Zuckerberg | Facebook


September 23rd, 2010

Amber: Oh hello, irony

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That's right, Myspace.
You know who the boss is )

Mmm, victory. Everyone should go see The Social Network, by the way! It's a great movie, and almost 94% true!

Amber: Nothing to see here

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Sorry about posting twice in one day (What am I, Twitter?) but I just wanted to reassure everyone that the services outages are totally over and everything is fine. No reason to panic or freak out. On a site as big and heavily-trafficked as Facebook, there's bound to be a few glitches. It's all totally normal.

[Private, viewable to Marcus]
Jesus jesus jesus oh god fuck I can't feel my fingers or toes what the hell is this?!
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