Hey there! This is my writing hub journal. I post mainly writing resources or silly little brain-dumps for my own amusement because I'd go crazy otherwise.

What I Post:

Writing tips and resources, grammar resources, personal essays, random things, whatever I want. I like posting mainly things I think might be useful to other people, but some of what I post is also just there because I felt like it.

Use the tags to navigate this journal. The links on the left are a mix of my things and external sites.

[info]nostranger joyce & hopper please!

MCU het, please and thank you.

I’ve got a little more time on my hands so I’m looking for a couple more asoiaf lines. Also happy to resume old ones. Feel free to comment the screened in the journal.

Laura Howlett, Jean Gray, some Avengers, oh! Some exes and ohs for drama fun! Loki might be fun to mess with...just be aware, fourth wall will be breached often. Check with me or the post below to check out what [info]earth10k5 is all about. I would love some people to torture Wolvie with. Petey! That includes you!


Still searching for an Ellie or a Tess for something set pre-canon. I have not played the games, but I know enough of what happens to be able to improvise.