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asher orion royce

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last cigarette, i will savor it [01 Oct 2020|06:11pm]
regrets are all you left, on your lipstick stains
take a picture of our past there in that ashtray. )
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aim → life in ash [12 Jul 2020|01:20am]

current location : los angeles, california.
texts , emails , vmails , love/hate notes , spam , porn , etc.
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OOC Note -- Journal Move. [17 Dec 2010|06:21pm]
No longer using this journal for Asher. He's been moved to [info]aroyce and I did a bit of an overhaul with him. Instead of Asher moving back to Los Angeles, we're going to pretend that he stayed in Seattle. He is now a part of the [info]chathammod game. All the stuff that happened while he was moving in LA, we'll say happened while he was there visiting. So that includes the date with Jilli, the sleepover that Ami had with Lyric, Ami getting to meet Chase and hang out with her someday-to-be Aunt. Also includes Asher's trip to NY to visit Jilli, which could have happened with him living in Seattle as easily as him living in LA. Anyhow! If you want to add him again over there, have at it. Otherwise, it's been real! =)
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[15 Jul 2010|04:29pm]
So, Jillian, I guess now it's just a matter of calling bluff? I'm in the process of booking a flight to New York on Saturday night and a hotel room for the week. Amanda has promised to watch Ami which means that you're going to be stuck entertaining me. Unless, of course, you've changed your mind.
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[25 May 2010|12:26pm]
You know what I've realized? I'm horrible at figuring out when people are hitting on me, flirting with me. There was this girl at the hotel last night. She had checked in yesterday afternoon on her own and kept trying to make conversation with me. I was just .. doing my job, like I normally do. I was covering the desk clerk's break and doing twenty minutes worth of check-ins. Somehow, the flirty little comments and even the fact that she touched my hand a little longer than necessary to take a key card had completely escaped my attention. Janet had to point it out to me, telling me I should have talked to her or shown her to her room rather than sending her off with a bell boy. I was completely baffled. Have I really gotten to the point in my life where pretty girls hitting on me doesn't even register in my head? Has it really been that long? Christ.
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[09 Mar 2010|04:12pm]
[ music | 'stolen' by dashboard confessional ]

Who : Jilli and Asher.
What : Their first 'date.'
Where : In and around Los Angeles .. wherever they end up going.
When : Monday night from 6 PM, on.
Rating : TBD.
i watch you spin around in your highest heels. you are the best one, of the best ones. )

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[02 Feb 2010|07:08pm]
Because Jilli inspires me as the young tend to do, I decided to take her advice and make a bucket list of my own. I find it really hard to think outside the box anymore. I have for a very long time .. ever since Jess died. And it's been hard for me to even admit that I still carry her with me everywhere, that I'm still holding on to the past. But, anyway .. that proved to be a starting point for my list. So .. here it is :

the list )
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[12 Jan 2010|09:19pm]
I could use a drink.
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[05 Jan 2010|09:36pm]
Well, it's official. Ami and I have moved back to California. Currently, we're living with my parents until I find a place that we can afford. Ami made me promise that we would pick a house in her old district so that she can return to her old school and be with her friends. Considering everything, I figured I owed her that much. So we're looking for a place in Pasadena that is cheap and yet big enough for both of us and Maddie. I started checking out the foreclosure listings and our house in Seattle went on the market yesterday. I guess we'll see how long this whole thing takes.

Other than that? It's good to be back in LA. Honestly, I missed the smog ridden place. And I missed being close enough to visit Jess when the mood strikes. Which it did earlier today. Hope everyone had a great New Year.
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OOC Christmas Post. [20 Dec 2009|07:35pm]
Okay. Asher and Ami will be in Seattle for Christmas and New Years because Asher, unfortunately, has to work. Huge parties being thrown at the hotel require him being there. His transfer isn't final until the first Monday of January .. which means that weekend (right after New Years), they will be coming down to LA to stay with his parents until he and Ami can find a house. Penn and Mandie went looking at places and he may have found a place in Lakewood, which is a pretty good drive from LA but a good school district. Who knows. Anyway, the point to all this is that all of the gifts are getting shipped since he won't see anybody to deliver them personally .. well .. except his daughter.

That being said, here is Asher's list. )
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[28 Nov 2009|06:47pm]
Who : Jilli Belmont, Asher Royce, and any of the other Glee karaoke patrons.
What : Glee Karaoke -- the part where Asher serenades Jilli and so forth.
Where : 213.
When : Saturday, 11/28. Sometime in the evening.
Rating : TBD by Jilli, ha!
Open : Only if the other Glee patrons can find a reason to pop up.
I can see it, face is glowin'. I can see in your eyes, you're happy, I know it. )
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[27 Nov 2009|04:45pm]
Apparently, I'm being drug to this karaoke madness tomorrow night despite flat out telling Mandie that I didn't want to go. Which just means that if I get forced to sing, I will retaliate. Keep that in mind, Stevenson!
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[23 Nov 2009|09:56pm]
Packing is one of my least favorite things to do. And I'm not talking house packing, though I don't particularly like that either. I'm talking packing for a trip. It's impossible to decide what you should and shouldn't bring. Especially when you're packing for a ten year old, too. Ami and I are supposed to leave for LA tomorrow afternoon and I still haven't gotten everything packed up to go. I tried to get her to pack what she wanted but that didn't work because she stuffed her suitcase with DVDs, her favorite dolls, a boardgame, and Madeline's chew toys. So I had to unpack everything and start over. This is the stuff that Jess used to handle and she was so much better at it than I am. She always knew exactly what we'd need. Never packed too much or too little.

We're driving down so that we can take the puppy with us and that way Penn can just ride along on the way back since he agreed to come up and help me out with some renovations on the house. I'm trying to see if I can con some of my other LA pals into coming back up with me to Seattle. The faster we get stuff done at the house here, the better it'll do on the market so that my daughter and I can move back to California.

I've been checking out some places in the LA area and I haven't really seen anything that would work for us, at least .. not compared to what we have here. So I'm thinking I might look for something outside of the city limits and just commute in to work everyday. Til then, Ami and I will probably end up staying with my parents in Pasadena though I'm very thankful to everyone who offered us a place to stay.

Now, as for this Glee karaoke business that everyone keeps talking about. Penn has gotten me to agree to go, however! That does not mean I have any intention of getting up on stage. And if that's a requirement to show up, then I just won't show up. Yes, I know. I'm a stingy old man. Bah humbug! The idea of getting up and making a fool out of myself, even in front of close friends, really doesn't impress me at all. So I'd rather just laugh at everybody else instead. So nice of me, huh?

Alright, Ami is insisting that I watch iCarly with her so I guess that's it for my update. If I don't happen to see any of you while in LA, I hope you have a great holiday and try not to eat so much turkey that you wind up in a coma.
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[12 Nov 2009|12:18am]
Ami and I have been here in Seattle for a year. Things seem to be going pretty well at the hotel, though I did get a call the other day from the place where I used to work in LA. They offered me my job back at a higher wage and a starting bonus on top. I told them that I'd consider it. I like it up here and Ami seems to be doing pretty well, but I think she'd be happier around her uncle and her grandparents .. not to mention all the friends she still calls on a weekly basis. The only problem is we'd have to find housing down there that was pretty cheap but would allow us to keep Maddie. There's absolutely no way we could get rid of that dog now that we've had her this long. It would absolutely crush Ami if we had to.

So, my dilemna is that I have to decide which is the better decision. Do I stay here in Seattle at my current job which pays less but allows us the opportunity to own a home and some land? Or do I take the higher paying job back in LA that gives us the comfort of family but the prospect of a much smaller place to live?

I guess I should call a realtor and at least look into some options before deciding, shouldn't I? They gave me a week to figure it out. I won't be able to buy a house in that time, but I'll be able to weigh the pros and cons a little better. Plus, I already know what Penn's vote would be. My kid brother turned himself into a bit of a recluse in our absence. Don't deny it, Penn. We both know it's true.

Alright, so I have a lot of thinking to do. If anybody other than my brother has an opinion, feel free to share it. I'd love to get some outside standpoints.
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[09 Dec 2008|10:34pm]
I hate it when you get so busy that you can't even think straight. I'm still trying to get acclimated at the hotel, so it's hard for me to really take the time and relax. There's so much work to be done here at the house that it makes me wish Penn was here more often than he is. Since we've been here, he's only come up for Thanksgiving. Said he couldn't miss the big turkey dinner with his family. We were going to go down to have it with Mom and Dad but everyone came here instead. Mom hates the place. She thinks I should have found a house that was more finished, more ... I don't know, safe? Not that the house isn't safe, it's just in need of a lot of work.

Penn said he'd come up and help me with it next Summer whenever he could. There isn't a whole lot we can do to it with Winter here. At least, we won't be able to do anything on the outside. And with the holidays fast approaching, all my money is tied up in gifts for the family. Well, mostly for Ami, but that's expected.
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[05 Oct 2008|07:20pm]
We've been here for about four days now all together. Ami hasn't slept well at all since we got here. She says she doesn't like her room because there are too many shadows and weird noises at night. She's ended up sleeping on the other side of my bed every night since we got here. Which, okay, I don't mind it so much because I want her to be comfortable, but she needs to get used to being in her new room.

In an effort to sort of relieve her worries, we took a ride out to this puppy farm today. We were only going to look at the dogs while we were there but Ami found one that she absolutely fell in love with. Then, of course, she gives me those sad eyes of hers and shoves out her lower lip in the pouting expression that she knows I'm a sucker for. I swear to God I think Penn has taught her all these tricks to get exactly what she wants, which is going to bite us all in the ass when she gets older. Anyway, I spoke with the guy who runs the puppy farm and after agreeing on a price, I bought my daughter a dog.

Allow me to introduce the newest member of the Royce family, Madeline. Ami named her after a character in a book her Mom used to read her. She's a Chow Chow puppy, about 10 weeks old and already quite large as you can see. And already getting into things she shouldn't be. That bear she's eating? It's 'Charlie,' one of Ami's favorites. Surprisingly, she didn't cry when she found it lying on the living room floor with it's head torn off and stuffing everywhere.

It's going to take some time to train her, but I think that Madeline is going to be a good addition to the family. She reminds me a lot of my brother, actually. Take that as you will.
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[04 Oct 2008|07:50pm]

A couple of months ago, I was offered a promotion at work. I say a 'promotion' because the new job offers better pay, two extra weeks of vacation, and the possibility of .. well, for lack of better words, a new life. It's the same job title that I hold now, but for a larger hotel in the chain. The Fairmont Olympic in Seattle.

It took me awhile to decide whether or not the move was going to be worth it, whether the transfer would be worth it. I mean, I have Ami to consider. Her happiness and what is good for her .. comes before everything else. I had to look into the different school systems and find a good house in a good neighborhood. It took awhile to find something that I liked, but I did.

I got her enrolled at Bryn Mawr Elementary School. She's in the third grade this year so I'm hoping the transition won't be too hard on her. It's the middle of the year now, but I checked with the administrators and they said that the curriculums aren't all that different, so she should be able to ease into class with the other kids no problem.

I also found a pretty nice house. Alright, so maybe nice isn't the right word. It's a fixer-upper. It was built in like .. 1929 or something like that. But it's got a lot of open space around it and a lot of potential. It has a great view of the lake and mountains, plus enough room for Penn to come stay with us when he visits. Which I'm sure he will quite often considering I'll need his help fixing the place up.

Speaking of Penn, he didn't take the news very well. Acted like a huge baby about the whole thing. I know he's going to miss Ami and I know that she is going to miss her favorite Uncle, but I think that this is the best thing for both me and my daughter. Penn just can't see that. He thinks I'm making a huge mistake by moving her away from everything and everyone that she knows. I figure, she's not really being taken away from them. The people who are important to her, the people who love her .. they're always going to be in her life, no matter where she is.

I think that this was a good decision. I think that we're going to be happy here, that Ami is going to be happy here. She starts at her new school on Monday, the same day I start at my new job. I've enrolled her in the latchkey program after school so that she's got something to do until I get off work. And I plan to look for a good babysitter as soon as I get the chance. After that, I guess I've covered all my bases.

I think that Jess would have liked it here.

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