09 July 2010 @ 05:06 pm
What Happened Next  
Title: What Happened Next
Written By: [info]_alicesprings
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: You know that Luke/Reid/Casey porn I didn't write because it is SO SO WRONG? Yeah this is a sequel to that. It picks up immediately where the first fic left off. Beta thanks once again to [info]newssodark, you're the best!! *hides*

What Happened Next )
07 July 2010 @ 06:29 pm
How It Began  
Title: How It Began
Written By: [info]_alicesprings
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Luke/Reid/Casey porn. YES RLLY.
Author's Notes: This is all [info]newssodark's fault! She posted Luke/Reid/Casey fic yesterday and it ate my brain. Even as I was repeating to myself "NO NO NO, IT'S SO WRONG" I was unable to stop the porn. Then she linked me to shirtless Casey scenes on YT and I just stopped fighting it. Apologies in advance. Beta thanks to [info]newssodark, you're amazing! *runs away*

How It Began )