Susan's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

Portrait of a Girl

look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide / don't get too close, it's dark inside
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[16 July 2013 @ 12:36 pm]
Wow, I am sore. In places I didn't know I could be sore. It's pretty damn fulfilling though to know that I can do something I didn't think I could do before.

But I think I'm going to stay in bed all day. The boats can live without me for a day.

[Friends and family]
How many of you would be willing to help me celebrate being done with school?

[4 July 2013 @ 6:52 pm]
Private )

Ward: Dennis Creevey )

School's done. I'll be out by the boats more often, I think. Mr Arthur - I know you're a bit busy at the moment, but may I ask how long it might take for us to have canoes like we discussed?

[19 June 2013 @ 9:26 pm]
THE LAKE IS CHOCOLATE! I thought it would ruin my boats but it hasn't! IT'S BLOODY BRILLIANT!

Now who wants to go on a boat ride in the chocolate lake with me? If you don't that's okay! We can do something else! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! Who cares if I fell in the lake?!

[3 June 2013 @ 10:16 pm]
I think people who get to live in tropical places like this are incredibly lucky. It's very relaxing to sit in a hammock and just listen to the waves while reading a good book. It's also good said hammocks are in the shade. I don't think I've used so many sun charms in my life.

I read about surfing somewhere. I'm going to try and find a book that has instructions. I'm determined to do it. Unless someone knows how and can teach me...?

Fancy a trip down to the beach now? Less people. Less sun so I won't get burned. And it's gorgeous. It's cool if you don't

[29 May 2013 @ 9:20 pm]
Private )

I'm sorry for all of those who are missing someone tonight. I've been there. It sucks.

[24 May 2013 @ 12:11 am]
all kinds of wards )

[21 May 2013 @ 1:26 pm]
In the wake of all the natural disasters of last week (we had a flood, and I heard some people had to deal with a kracken?), there seem to be quite a few boats missing from the boat dock. If you have a boat, would you kindly mind returning it over there? Or if you want to keep it, at least let me know so I can make a note? Though I'm not sure anywhere but the boat dock would be a decent place for a boat.


...Merlin, I'm so glad everyone's back.

section plot two [15 May 2013 @ 7:03 pm]
SECTION ELEVEN: Alicia Spinnet, Rose Zeller, Colin Creevey, Daphne Greengrass, Albus Severus Potter, Andromeda Black, Charlie Weasley, Susan Bones, Autumn Flint (sort of: warded private)

Private )

[13 May 2013 @ 6:36 am]
[ mood | stressed ]

SECTION ELEVEN: Alicia Spinnet, Rose Zeller, Colin Creevey, Daphne Greengrass, Albus Severus Potter, Andromeda Black, Charlie Weasley, Susan Bones, Autumn Flint

[failed ward private - she is upset. shaky handwriting, tear stains, the works.]

No. nonononononono.

I got up and went to school, and when I did, it was just Autumn there. no one else was there. And -- and -- so I needed to go make sure everyone was okay.

No Hannah.
No Auntie Amelia.
No Jasper.
No Aunt Sally or Uncle Eddie.
Not even Justin or Ernie or Harry or Megan or Summer or anyone.

I ca--

I can't do this.


[26 April 2013 @ 10:34 pm]
I'm so glad that it really feels like spring. I love being outside. Not only do I get to tend to the boats (which is a lot more work than I thought it would be! And reminds me -- can I put in a request for canoes? Coz that'd be awesome! CANOE RACES, GUYS.), but there are so many trees to climb and flowers to appreciate.

Of course, because I like being outside, there's also more freckles to count on my face. Not a big fan of those.

I went to Smuggled the other day and found some Muggle books and music that I really like. If anyone needs me in the next few days, your best bet is to look up a tree. I'll be there reading about a girl named Katniss Everdeen and listening to some music by a band called... Fall Out Boy? (I think. I don't know. Their song titles don't seem to match their lyrical content.)

Erm. I mean, Helga and Rowena, finishing my assignments and such. Yes. That too.

wards to all kinds of people [20 April 2013 @ 7:38 am]
Ward: Neville )

Ward: Hannah )

Ward: Auntie Amelia )

Ward: Jasper )

Ward: Rolf Scamander )

I know it's the weekend and a nice day out, but I won't be available for boat rides today. It's been an eventful week and I need a day off.

[14 April 2013 @ 4:24 pm]
Private )

As much as I love this place for the opportunities it gives me, the constant changing drives me a bit mad. I know I've said this before and I'm not pointing fingers. It's just... stressful.

I feel like I'm repeating myself again. Sorry for being a waste of space.

[8 April 2013 @ 2:04 pm]
[Warded to those not affected by the age thing]
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now. So many people are so different and we have to go through explaining things again and just -- I don't know. I know it's part of what this place is, but I can't help what I feel.

Please tell me I'm not the only one.

If Jasper's anyone's looking for me, I'll be on the docks. It's finally nice enough out to tend to the boats.

added in later
If anyone wants to go on a boat ride, let me know.

[6 April 2013 @ 10:35 am]
What is happening? I mean, I know, because George told me, but -- never mind.

For all of you that are waking up here for the first time, or again, you were all here yesterday. No, I'm not lying. I will hex you if you try to tell me otherwise. It just gets so bloody frustrating trying to explain things multiple times.

Well, except Zac. He wasn't here yesterday.

Meet me in the garden. Go over the bridge towards the town. You can't miss it.

I'm glad you're back. I missed you.

[18 March 2013 @ 9:45 pm]
I'm glad we have Cupcake. She's not quite good at cuddling yet, though. She keeps squirming.

More practise, maybe?

[Ward: Private if you look close enough, you can see tearstains]entry )

[11 March 2013 @ 10:06 pm]
Hannah? We should get our kitten soon. Like maybe before the end of the week. Say... tomorrow, if you're free.

Can humans give animals colds? Just curious.

[17 February 2013 @ 9:37 am]
[ mood | anxious ]

Private )

Hannah )

Jasper )

Ernie, Professor Lupin )

[15 February 2013 @ 12:40 pm]
[Aunt Sally and Auntie Amelia - Uncle Eddie can see too]
I was crying at the end of the broadcast last night. Thank you for the dedications. They were wonderful and I'm so glad that you both are here. I hope you all had a good Valentine's Day.
[End Ward]

So... apparently there's some sort of lovesickness going around. Why am I not special enough What did half of you all do that I didn't? Just... be careful, the lot of you. I have a bad feeling about this.

[28 January 2013 @ 9:46 pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

[Ward: Private]
I've been here for quite some time now. I've gotten over the happy shock and surprise of seeing my family whole, well, and alive. I've gone through holidays and been assigned a job I can't quite fulfill yet. It was also a nice surprise when Jasper turned up, though younger than I am used to.

I'd forgotten how moody he could get.

And he dies. So in my future life, all I have left is my parents. Which isn't bad considering, but everyone else I love care about dies.

Part of me doesn't want to have to work so hard - again - to pull him out of that cranky shell he wears. But this is a village of second chances, after all. What's one more? I'll have to do it more carefully this time around, though. Susan, you need to work really hard to watch that you don't blurt things out again.
[End Ward]

What's good in your shop to eat this week? I might need a pick me up.
[End Ward]

You know, in spite of all the sheer insanity of this village, I'm kind of glad I've gotten to experience it. It's a lot of things many of us will never get to see again.

[4 January 2013 @ 9:56 am]
I was just happening to walk by Lorcan's room on my way downstairs this morning, and saw that it was empty. He must have been sent back, too.

I didn't know him for very long or very well, but I'm a little sad. The house is so eerie now with just me.

Private )

[2 January 2013 @ 6:52 pm]
Christmas was wonderful. Thank you to everyone who got me presents (especially Uncle Eddie who got me a lot of presents!). I'm alternating between trying to eat all the edible ones and finding ways to use the non-edible ones. ;)

Hope everyone is having a good new year. I guess I'm going to have to start working soon enough, but since the river's still frozen over we can't really have boats on them yet, can we? I guess now is a good time to mention that once the river's not frozen, I'm the person you need to ask if you want to rent a boat.

[16 December 2012 @ 5:30 pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

[Warded to Uncle Eddie, Aunt Sally and Auntie Amelia]

I have James Potter for my Secret Santa recipient. I was familiar with Harry, his son, as we are the same age, but his father was long gone in my time. Do you have any ideas as to what I should get him?

Also, do you know what we are doing for Christmas? I've already made plans to spend it with you, just so you all know.


[Warded to Harry Potter]

Hello Harry. This is Susan Bones. I don't know how long you've been in the village or what kind of chance you've had to get to know your father, but he is my Secret Santa... person, and I've not a clue what to get him. Any insight would be great. Also, hi, and how are you doing?


I decided that I couldn't avoid my living situation any further and have now settled into my house. I don't see my roommate much but on the few occasions I've spoken with him he has been friendly. Not nearly as bad as I imagined.

Also, it's quite strange gearing up for Christmas considering one month ago, when I was taken, it was 1 September. Just a thought.

[27 November 2012 @ 9:41 pm]
Okay. Let me get this straight. This isn't a journal for school, is it? Death Eaters aren't using this as a way to keep tabs on me, right? I fell asleep on the train back to Hogwarts and ended up here, with a Weasley or two I don't even know telling me I live in house 33 and I'm the boat keeper of the village. I don't even know. I thought Professor Snape was going to be the Headmaster. Does that mean I have to take care of the boats after the first years are done sailing through them?

So who else made it back to school this year? Or is that a completely irrelevant question?

[scribbled in later]
So, I'm Susan Bones, and I'm 17. Hope that prevents a few awkward questions.

[26 November 2012 @ 8:49 pm]
There were relatives of [Death Eaters'] victims among the Hogwarts students, who now found themselves the unwilling objects of a gruesome sort of reflected fame. 'And I don't know how you stand it, it's horrible,' she said bluntly. )

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