Apr. 3rd, 2017

I laid out some poison for the little bastards about a week ago. Now I think they're mocking me. The poison hasn't been so much as sniffed at let alone touched! And they continue to scratch through my walls and even the floors. Fumigation maybe? Or maybe I could just flood them out.

Private )

Mar. 9th, 2017

Some birthday this is turning out to be.

Woke up to find a rat running across my kitchen floor. Now I know where the scratching sounds are coming from. I suppose I'll set out to buy some poison for the little bastards.

Work was a similar affair, only this time the rats were replaced by co-workers. Especially the big one in the pink dress, chasing me down the hall as she sang Happy Birthday in her loudest most shrill tone. Others caught on and that was a disaster all in its own complete with balloons, streamers and cake. So joyful, the lot of them.

A birthday party with the rats sounds better.

Feb. 20th, 2017

Some people are too happy all the time. We should have a work policy against this.

There is an individual in my department that feels the need to count down the days until everyone's birthday. Mine must be next because I am being reminded every day that it is now less than month away.

Feb. 14th, 2017

I don't know whose idea it was to send out the fleeting herd of these annoying bubbly red and pink hearts with fluttering tiny wings throughout the Ministry today, but I got rid of the group that followed me into my department. I would have toasted them all, but a fire of that size would have me filling out too much paperwork.

Jan. 27th, 2017

It looks like Eva and I will be getting away just in time to avoid all the talk about the upcoming Valentine's ball. For a little while at least.

I always look forward to our time in Greece every year, but for some reason this year I was counting down the days.

Jan. 15th, 2017

Did you ever notice how easy it is to suddenly not exist anymore? How life is so fragile that it can be taken away in a moment at any given time? And those who mourn that loss, is it out of true sadness? Maybe selfish want for something that is no longer there for them? Respect? Or because that is what is to be expected by others?

Rabastan )

Private )

Dec. 31st, 2016

I will never understand the excitement about New Year's Eve. All this build up and for what? A date change? Ridiculous.

Private )

Dec. 22nd, 2016

It's nearly Christmas already. The year is just about gone. And what is there to be said for it?

Private )

Nov. 24th, 2016

I would like to thank Lord Lachlan Yaxley and Lady Alice Longbottom, as well as their team, for taking the time to investigate the break-in my wife and I recently experienced. I think we can all rest easy knowing that we have some top notch employees at the DMLE.

Severus )
Evaelyn )
Lachlan )
Private )

Nov. 11th, 2016

We seem to have a very crafty and intelligent individual walking among us. They very keenly broke down highly complicated wards and made their way through my home without tripping any others. Everything was left a mess, but nothing was taken.

Very odd.

Evaelyn )

Severus )

Private )

Oct. 31st, 2016

Another month gone and tomorrow starts anew. I think I will skip the festivities tonight and relax quietly at home. With all the parties, I've had my fill. But everyone else, enjoy.

Private )

Evaelyn )

Sep. 26th, 2016

some text

Barty Crouch Jr )

April 2017



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