January 5th, 2012


Ah, Thursdays. My busiest day of the week over and done with already. The first week back at school always seems to go so fast - I can't decide whether or not this is a good thing, however.

In the end, we made a last minute decision to spend the holidays in Paris. If we had gone back to Québec, it would of course have been one long journey to get back to France, and then of course I would have to go back to school to get the carriage back here, anyway. It was so nice to see Le Palais again, though very strange to think that we would not be staying there along with the rest of our fellows for the spring term.

Team Fabulous - French

I hope everyone is feeling sufficiently rested now after the chaos that is the return to school. Coach Marat and I will be finalising the training schemes over the weekend, so if there is anything you have not mentioned already but you feel worth doing so - either as individuals or matters of whole team development - then let me know when you can. The plans are never set in stone, because I think we need to be flexible enough to allow for any changes that may occur, so don't feel you cannot approach either of us with your concerns throughout the term. I am certain that Didi is the same - oui, mon cher?

Oh, and by the by, I brought some of my magic-friendly yoga manuals back with me from France, so if anyone would like to join me in a practice, you would be most welcome. I was glad to be able to take it up again during the holidays - it's one of those multi-purpose activities that is both useful and restful.