January 12th, 2013


Beauxbatons - in French

Well, honestly - for a country where some people like to turn up their noses at all things foreign, the British really do work themselves up into such a ridiculous tantrum sometimes. I can't recall a single instance where people have said such nasty things about Madame Maxime! Carrying on from Sophie's entry, if that woman isn't part giant herself, I shall eat my hat. Does that mean I care about her heritage? Not one bit. With regards to some of these people who have been so unpleasant about Professor Hagrid - such as the boy in the article - I would be very interested to know what their views on blood status are. Prejudices towards one thing are usually followed closely by more prejudices towards something else.

Anyway, on a much more pleasant note, how are things going with people's dates to the Ball? Is anyone going on another date with their partner? (Elodie, we know what your answer will be, naturellement). Henry asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him the next time there is an organised trip. I think I will. It will be nice to see how things go when attending with one of the locals.