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[24 Sep 2012|05:19pm]

Why must people stand so close to me when I’m in line? Being close enough to shove your body parts up my ass is not going to make anyone, including me, move any faster. In fact, I’m fairly certain I should not grace the doors of Barnes and Noble with my shadow for the next few months or so. I have an issue with personal space and when it gets invaded, I’m not nice about it. I’m never really nice about anything though, am I? I digress. Needless to say, someone probably had to get that bite wound stitched up and disinfected. Next time I bet they will leave breathing space for the people stuck in front of them.

That’s my rant/story of the day. Do with it what you will.

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[18 Sep 2012|02:10pm]
I'll just leave this here...

Yes, it's a public invite. The one day of the year I'll deal with all of you fuckers. Yes, you can wear any costume you like. No, you really CANNOT bring your children even if you can't find a baby sitter and their arm's gonna fall off if no one holds it in place. No, I really don't give a fuck if you don't like the rules. No, I'm not kidding about the sacrifice part. Yes, there will be booze. Yes, there will be music. You don't have to RSVP but you may if you want so I can count victims...err, attendees.

((OOC NOTE: I'll be making this a group thread. All characters are invited. Except Micah. We don't like Micah 'round these parts. >.> Ban the sexy dj's! <.< Actually, Micah should probably attend or Sin will harass him non stop. Bring your frat boy. Annnyway, the thread will be started up a few days early just so everyone gets a chance to interact, post costume pics, etc. Also if you RSVP and have a costume idea, note it either IC or OOC so it doesn't get stolen.))

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[09 Aug 2012|03:08am]
I’ve been in Germany for a week and a half now. What am I doing in Germany? I’m doing everything fucking wrong and half-ass backwards; that’s what I’m fucking doing. Which is better than just saying I really have not a clue as to what I’m doing, but it’s probably not the right thing. Whoever gave me free will is a fucking moron. Asdfjkl; I am having an extended birthday for Dez. Since he took me skydiving earlier this year for mine, I figured the only correct thing to do was top that for his birthday. So here we are, a month of trying to cram more German in my head than the two phrases I knew and immense amounts of planning later. I had an itinerary for the first week and we’ve just been winging it since then. I got to meet a few of Dez’s relatives and they are definitely different from the ones he’s got back in Ohio and different from his brother. I had thought they would be similar for some reason. His uncle’s even a short blond and I have no idea how that happened when the rest of the family is taller and naturally dark haired. Kind of amusing. I met everyone once and then bowed out of all future family gatherings. They are the type who likes to hug you and I’m…not. By any means. They were hospitable though and didn’t make me feel as touristy as I thought they would. Surprisingly, I like it here, enough to where I’d agree to do a shoot over here some time. If I could bring Dez to run translation because something tells me I’ve botched quite a few words. Other than family visits, museums, touristy type deals, and hitting a few bars, we’re just....doing what other best friends do. Whatever the fuck that is anymore. Dez is FINALLY out of the shower, which means we’re headed out again soon. Just like usual, there’s nothing interesting to share. Because none of this is interesting, it’s more…a giant ball of what the fuck we’ve rolled ourselves into and neither of us knows where we’re going.

Anything interesting happening in the States while I’m gone? Rioting? A new serial killer, perhaps? A new disease that results in a slow, painful death?

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[17 Jul 2012|05:02pm]
Between shoots and planning two upcoming birthday celebrations, I’ve not done much else lately. Hang with Dez, hang with Dom, the usual. What was unusual was the phone call I got from Jayde the other day. She was in labor and asked me to go see her at the hospital. I had no idea what the fuck I was supposed to do in this situation. Apparently bringing her a vodka koolaid for after labor was not the appropriate thing. Eh, I tried. I haven’t seen the uh...haven’t seen Sage yet, Trying to avoid it so I don’t get asked to hold her, plus I know fuck all about kids other than they annoy me. But, I did show up and attempt to be a ‘good friend’ which is insanely rare. I know she appreciated it.

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[20 Jun 2012|11:26pm]
For the frat boy )

For Jayde )

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[01 Jun 2012|12:30am]
My one year closer to dying celebration was actually bigger than I thought it would be, though since we’re all in the same city I should have guessed that Dez and Dom would team up against me. This is how the weekend went:

Cut for length )

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[08 May 2012|05:48pm]
Alright, kiddies. Someone, anyone, want to explain this fascination with guns? I’m honestly so damn tired of waking up to the news channel telling me so and so was shot in the face. It’s old, it’s boring, and if we are being completely honest here, guns are for pussies. Wow, you killed someone from across the room, slow fucking clap for you. Do it right, get in nice and close and slice someone open. Stop being so afraid to get your hands dirty. Now if anyone needs me I will be boycotting the news channels until once again someone can do something spectacular to impress me, you know, when they find a nice collection of body parts stored in jars in a basement.

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[26 Apr 2012|02:48pm]

So I’ve been watching this show lately called Reaper. Used to be on the air, no idea if any of you have ever seen it. Basically it’s about a guy who has to capture escaped souls from hell and return them to a gateway between the worlds, the DMV. That part was definitely captured well. Anyway, I’ve just finished the first season so don’t spoil anything after that for me or I will find and eviscerate you. Seriously, this part isn’t exaggerated. The guy is a sap, there’s a sappy love thing going on, but the devil is fucking hilarious because he’s an asshole and that’s why I watch that show. A few episodes back, this idiot sold his soul to make a girl fall in love with him, though of course there’s a catch because he forgot to also ask to have her fall out of love with the guy she was actually dating. It was supposed to be a twist in the episode but after watching so many straight, I was looking for the catch as soon as it started and had it figured out before they got to that part. Still, he sold his soul for love. Seemed like he could have picked anything better than that. So now LA, let’s play a game. What would you sell your soul for?

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