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Oct. 20th, 2011

Saturday (late): February/8/09

were alive but something really fucked up is happening, kamea and reed are both growing really fast, whats going on!! posting from my phone cause my fever is too high to get out of the tub, kamea burning up too someone bring ice please

Oct. 10th, 2011

Friday (midday): February/6/09 - Email

Email: Vinnie, Frankie, Wes, Ava, Lu, Cassie )

Sep. 22nd, 2011

Saturday: January/31/09 - AIM: Starbuck/Cassie

You don't think he would do you? Fuck. Starbuck.... )

Saturday: January/31/09 - Phone call: Starbuck/Ana

If it gets you to stop bothering me, fine. )

Friday: January/30/09 - Phone call: Starbuck/Ana

She was in a fucking car accident! )

Friday: January/30/09 - AIM: Starbuck/Ava

Shit week. )
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Sep. 13th, 2011

Friday: January/23/09 - AIM: Starbuck/Fox

It's easier to stop loving someone who hurt you )
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Sep. 1st, 2011

Monday: January/12/09 - AIM: Starbuck/Mandy

Thanks Uncle Buck )

Aug. 17th, 2011

Thursday: January/8/09 - AIM: Starbuck/Kim

Did I mention that I'm naked? Because I am. )
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Jul. 27th, 2011

Saturday: January/3/09 - AIM: Starbuck/Ana

so you're gay? that explains a lot )
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Gifts from Starbuck

((yet ANOTHER incomplete list))

- Kim -
- Frankie and Vinnie - An iPod shuffle bracelet for Frankie, some new video games for Vinnie, and Starbuck bought plane tickets for their parents and brother to come to Maui as well and spend Christmas there as a family. Got them hotel rooms too, since his mom's house isn't big enough for everyone.
- Cissy - A child-sized charm bracelet for Grace.
- Wes - A little dancing hula girl for his dashboard with a note that says, "Here you go: a hot chick from Hawaii." He'll also volunteer to take a few of Wes' shifts when he gets back so the guy can have some time off.
- Matt -
- LuLu -
- Mandy -
- Ava -

Jul. 26th, 2011

Friday: January/2/09

We'll be back on campus late tonight. Maui has been AMAZING! I hope you all had a great time over the holiday.

Also, Kim and I have some big news to share with everyone, now that we've been able to tell our family members and close friends in person. Kim's pregnant, and we just found out she's having a boy. He's due on June 21st, which is father's day, and I couldn't be more excited. I'm not sure Kim's gonna be big on people touching her belly, especially since it's not that big yet, but you can ask! We've decided on the name Reed. Feels SO GREAT to finally be able to tell people! I've been going nuts keeping it a secret the last few months.

Anyway, back to packing for the trip home. Could someone order up some snow for our return? Call me crazy, but I love the stuff!

Jul. 7th, 2011

Thursday: December/18/08 - AIM: Starbuck/Wes

Crotchety. Cantankerous. Someone with a difficult or contrary disposition. )
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Jul. 2nd, 2011

Thursday: December/18/08 - Private

Private: Mandy )

Jun. 30th, 2011

Thursday: December/18/08

I'm relieved you're all back to normal again. Okay, not ALL of you, since Hope decided to stay younger, but I can respect that. If anyone is still experiencing soreness after taking the potion, let me know. I can help with any lingering muscle or bone pain.

That aside, I'm still planning to spend the entire winter break in Maui. I'll be online when I can, but I don't take my iPhone surfing, so you're out of luck if I'm in the water, and that will be A LOT.

Private: Vinnie, Frankie, LuLu, Matt )

Jun. 16th, 2011

Saturday: December/13/08 - AIM: Starbuck/Cissy

Can you keep a secret for a few days? )

Saturday: December/13/08 - Phone call: Starbuck/Kim

He loves you, and that's why he's acting this way. He thinks I'm taking you away. )

Jun. 15th, 2011

Friday: December/12/08

It's the full moon tonight, and with so many people still under the influence of this spell, PLEASE watch out for them. It's for their own good, and it will help put the lycans at ease too. They already worry about hurting people while transformed.

I know I usually have a bunch of you over to pass the time, but I'm still helping security, so the party is canceled this full moon. Can someone look after Kamea for me? Someone who isn't already babysitting a confused teenager?

Jun. 9th, 2011

Thursday: December/11/08

I'm starting to think Kim and I are the only ones who haven't had our lives turned inside out and upside down. For everyone who is confused about why they're here, I think a spell went wrong and turned you all into teenagers again. I know it sounds crazy, especially to those of you who were much older and some others who didn't know about the supernatural world when you were a teenager. It's not crazy though. Just stay on campus until we figure out what's going on. Might be a good idea to simply stay in your rooms. You're less likely to run into trouble that way.

Jun. 7th, 2011

Monday: December/8/08 - Email

Email: Lu, Frankie, Vinnie, Matt )

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