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Aug. 15th, 2011

pottermore ills

(I don't have a Pottermore account, but I've been following the posts at [ profile] ontd_hogwarts [you have to be a member to see them] and the sudden flood of information is enough to make one go insane. Much of EA is now obsolete, which is fine, if a bit discouraging. There's just . . . so much backstory all of a sudden. Minerva! Flitwick! Sprout! Ollivander! The Sorting Hat! The Slytherin prefect's speech! And this is just the beginning. I'm not sure how to deal with this. Is it canon? Is it a paratext? Should I even care?)

*runs back to thesis*

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Aug. 12th, 2011

choices, choices

I have been plagued all day by a scene for a potential short Snape-centric story (whether Harry would be involved is not yet clear to me) set in Cokeworth.

I blame [personal profile] delphi, because I have been soaking myself in her Snape of late, rereading much of her marvellous Snilch and Snapledore and one of my absolute favourites, In Memory of Sigmund Freud. I also blame [personal profile] o_mayari for keeping me in touch with some of the new Pottermore information, because now that I know Spinner's End is located in Cokeworth, I can't stop thinking about it. My own research is possibly also at fault, as I have to think a lot about mining and class tension and the emerging working class in 18th/19th century Germany.

Anyway, now that I have this idea, I find myself eyeing certain upcoming winter fests: Snarry Swap, [ profile] snapecase and [community profile] snapelyholidays. The latter has its deadline in November, which is probably unrealistic for me (my thesis is due in November). Both [ profile] snapecase and the Snarry Swap have deadlines around roughly the same time. It's probably insane of me to even be considering any of these fests, given the workload I know I'll have this fall/winter.

Ah, choices!

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Jul. 31st, 2011

fix it fest (fic): as the wind behaves (snarry, 2/2)

as the wind behaves, pt II )

fix it fest (fic): as the wind behaves

Title: as the wind behaves
Author: [info]caecelia_
Betas:: SO many thanks to [info]accioslash and [info]atdelphi for your invaluable advice; I learned so much from you both. ♥ Any remaining mistakes are my own.
Other pairings/threesome: Ron/Hermione
Rating: light R
Word count: 18,553
Warning(s): Harry is not quite 18.
SPOILERS/What you are fixing: (highlight for spoilers) *Snape does not exactly die. He is also ugly and somewhat deranged.*
Summary: Harry thinks he knows what he wants. Snape is unwilling to oblige him.
A/N: Written for my dear friend o_mayari on DW/LJ.

as the wind behaves )

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