Mar. 16th, 2013

deeply_horrible: don't panic!

My dears: those of you who saw my call for new [ profile] deeply_horrible mods, please don't be concerned about the future of the comm. Everything is in hand and there'll be an announcement made soon that I think you'll all find quite exciting.


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Jan. 19th, 2013

Beta request

My lovelies, I must ask you a favour on the behalf of a very dear friend. [personal profile] o_mayari, the author of the indescribably brilliant Romance of the Age, has written an equally, if not even more extraordinary story that she is preparing to post soon. She is looking for a beta reader. If you enjoyed the company of MP and Snidget and Regulus, of Blacks and Potters in general, if you enjoyed her biting wit and visionary take on the Potterverse, then you will love this new story. I had the privilege of reading an early draft some time ago, and it left me a changed person. I will never see the Potterverse in the same light again. Yes, this story is that incredible.

If you're interested, please drop one of us a line.

On another note, I've received a few e-mails from people wondering why I haven't yet filled in the names of creators and their betas over at [ profile] deeply_horrible, and so thought I'd best post my answer publically. No, I haven't forgotten, but with exams this week and next I've simply not had the time to take care of these details. I promise to do so, and take care of remaining [ profile] deeply_horrible business, by the end of the month. Thanks for your patience!

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Jan. 13th, 2013

deeply_horrible reveals

The complete masterlist for [ profile] deeply_horrible's fest to Bring Back the Bastard can be found here: @ LJ|DW.

If you like Severus but are wary of approaching the fest because of its theme, know that the majority of the entries do not fall in the dark or horror category (although we do have some lovely exemplars of that as well). So if you're curious about any one of the entries and would like to know more before diving in, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you to everyone for the immense patience and support you've shown during this admittedly rather shaky first mod run! *blows kisses to you all*

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Jul. 17th, 2012

deeply_horrible news

Hello, my dears! Those of you following [community profile] deeply_horrible/[ profile] deeply_horrible probably have just seen a huge flurry of posts appear on your flist. Apologies for any inconvenience!

Some exciting news:

[community profile] deeply_horrible/[ profile] deeply_horrible is now taking bastard!Snape recs! You can read the rules and comment with recs for fic, art, meta or multimedia here. Anyone can comment with a rec as long as he or she is logged in: you do not have to be a community member.

It is now also possible for members to create discussion posts of their own, to which anyone can respond. The rules for creating discussions are to be found here. Please don't feel shy -- if you have a thought, anything you'd like to discuss relating to Snape, it would be a pleasure to hear it.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts about the comm, about the BBB challenge or anything really, I would be delighted and deeply grateful, no matter how critical.

With that, I shall leave you in peace. I am flying abroad tomorrow evening and won't be back until Sunday, although I shall do my very best to keep track of things.

If you are getting tired of all these posts about [community profile] deeply_horrible/[ profile] deeply_horrible, please do not hesitate to comment here or send me a PM: I can create a filter.

This entry was originally posted at dreamwidth. There are comment count unavailable DW comments. You can reply there using Open ID.