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Fleur Isabelle Delacour

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[10 Jun 2015|05:15pm]
Fleur Delacour )
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[13 Jun 2013|10:10pm]
Fleur Delacour )
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[29 Apr 2012|09:51pm]
It's been a surprisingly busy month. The weekends have been chocker-block with events. Victoire's birthday's coming up in a few days and she's beyond excited to be turning six. The party's on the weekend, so she can still enjoy the Victory celebrations.
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[02 Apr 2012|12:22am]
Happy birthday, George!

Thank you to all of you who came to the birthday yesterday. I know it was all family, but it was still good of you to come. Louis had a lovely time, and has spent all of today playing with his gifts.
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[19 Mar 2012|10:15am]
Yesterday was perfect. Bill and the kids had the whole day planned. We went to the Burrow for lunch and had a picnic dinner out in the fields that evening.

Vic must have spent ages making the loveliest macaroni frame, and both Mini and Louis' pictures and cards are now hanging up in the kitchen.

The girls' party decorations for Louis' birthday took a bit of a break this weekend, but they're tucked away safely which Victoire was very pleased to find. It seems they've decided the theme should be princesses. I'm surprised Mini's gone along with it, to be honest, but I'm sure by next week it'll be pirates.
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[12 Mar 2012|12:55am]
Vampire and Veela, not a bad combination, I think.

In other news, the party planning's going well. We're having the girls help make decorations and they seem to be enjoying themselves immensely, even if Mini winds up with more glitter all over herself than the decorations.
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[14 Feb 2012|01:06pm]
Happy Valentine's Day HanEveryone!

Private: Bill
I have you present, somewhere.

I wonder if Bill would notice if I gave Hannah the earrings he gave me last Valention's day.
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[05 Feb 2012|10:04pm]
Whether you agree with the Ministry's decision or not, the one thing that everyone seems to forget is just how it affects the children in school. Vic was in tears at not being allowed to go back to school, and Mini still doesn't quite understand why though she's at least settled a little. Molly has been brilliant at helping us out until we can make other arrangements, but it isn't easy to rip them out and pull them away from their friends, I can only imagine what it would be like for the older children. At least Victoire was only in Year 1 and Mini in nursery.

Oh, and I have to disagree with the Weekly, battle scars are very sexy.
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[23 Dec 2011|01:43am]
Apparently Christmas is 56 hours away, according to our little mathematical genius.

She was also attempting to cast a spell to make it come quicker as Bill tucked her in tonight. Unfortunately it didn't work, though we made a point of telling her it would come faster if she went to sleep. Not sure I've ever seen her fall asleep quicker.
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[28 Nov 2011|11:56pm]
The Christmas lighting was beautiful and very enjoyable. The children were quite excited and simply insisted that we put up the tree in the living room. Of course, we managed to distract them quickly enough, though Bill did promise to get the tree next weekend. Apparently the girls want to find the perfect tree, which knowing them may take all day. Still, they do enjoy it.

Which does remind me, I do home the move went well.
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[20 Nov 2011|11:35pm]
It's been a few busy weeks so far. I find things are picking up around this time of the year. Though things will get even busier when we enter December. Mini keeps asking about Christmas as she's seen the decorations on the Hight street and wants to know if it's here yet. Granted, in three-year old speak a month may as well be three years away.
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[31 Oct 2011|07:36pm]
Happy Hallowe'en!

We'll be heading toward Diagon in a moment, but the little ones insisted on showing off their costumes. I thought I'd show them off. Bill's decided to go as a ninja, and I've decided on Cleopatra. The Dragon Pirate turned out much better than I expected, though I can't imagine she'll keep the hood on for very long.

Spell-o-taped )
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[16 Oct 2011|08:55pm]
The costumes are coming along great. Went to the shop this weekend to pick out sparkly things for Vic's costume, which she's helping to make. Mini was helping, but more in bursts than anything else. I'm happy for the project, however, as it's keeping them busy and they don't seem to mind too much that we haven't left the house all that much lately. With the Dragon Pox around, we're trying to to expose them too much, until things have settled a little.
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[25 Sep 2011|08:36pm]
Hallowe'en might be a month away, but it seemed to be all that was on Victoire's mind this weekend. She's decided to become Princes, though I'm sure that's not surprising at all. Mini's going to be a Dragon Pirate and our little Louis has been practising his Gryffindor roar all afternoon. It's so adorable, Mini keeps encouraging him.

We haven't yet started on the costumes, save Vic's tiara, but I'm sure all three will be finished on time.
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[18 Sep 2011|04:22pm]
I'm really not surprised that the weekly took advantage of the Veritaserum situation. It seems I am pleased to see that everyone is back to normal, but it does make you wonder. I suppose I should be happy that everyone's okay even if the Weekly had to mention it

Then again, Veritaserum is a bit of an unpredictable potion. But the Kiss


I'm not sure how mother found out, but she's already sent me two owls. She's insisting on having the kids for a week sometime soon and next summer.
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[30 Aug 2011|10:08am]
My sincerest condolences to the Urquhart family.
I cannot say I knew him well, but I am certain he will be missed.

I do hope, however, that everyone has had an enjoyable weekend.

Private: Weasleys minus George )

Private )
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[11 Aug 2011|10:01pm]
I am quite relieved by the latest Weekly publication, though I do wonder sometimes why I still purchase it. Still, it wasn't as bad as they usually are. Hopefully this will continue, it would be very nice.

Though speaking of nice, I am rather looking forward to our upcoming holiday. I have missed France.

Oh, and very happy birthday, Ginny. I hope you've had a good day.
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[23 Jul 2011|10:58pm]
I would like the looks to stop.

It's been so lovely out this week, such an improvement over the past week, apparating in the rain has not been enjoyable.

I don't know what's worse, what the Weekly printed, or that for a split moment I was worried they might be right. What if I'm losing
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[13 Jul 2011|10:54pm]
I do hope everyone's okay.

Private Bill can break
Attack, after attack, when is this going to end?
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[06 Jul 2011|07:14pm]
My sincerest condolences.

Private )
Bill )
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