Jul. 25th, 2014

Package delivered to [info]ahsat

Now you're ready for football season )

Jul. 5th, 2014


who: Joel & Tasha( [info]ahsat )
what: meeting up for coffee
when: Saturday Afternoon
where: D'Espresso 317 Madison Ave, Manhattan
status: In Progress

Wanna grab a coffee? )

Jun. 26th, 2014

Our new cat

I didn't pick the name )

Jun. 24th, 2014

Email sent to [info]ahsat at 9:00am on 6/24/14

Dear Tasha,

I hope it's okay that I contact you here. I was thinking about inviting Isaac to come to a Giants practice. After talking to the team and explaining his situation, everyone basically feels like it would be great if he could come to a practice. We want to get him a signed jersey, show him the drills we run and maybe just play some catch with him. I understand that you would have to chaperone him and I don't want to waste your precious time, but if it would work for you to bring him some day for a couple of hours that would be great. My number is at the bottom if you'd rather call or send a text. Thanks for considering!

Warm Regards,

Joel Phillips
Phone : [info]jsp_

Jun. 23rd, 2014

This commercial could have started Corie and myself, it's that accurate. She can never see this video, or she'll start getting ideas.

[OOC Note: The embed code generator seemed shady so if the video doesn't show up this is the link http://youtu.be/pUGUq2cC6Ik ]

Just Customs and other for now :)

So I'm sitting here at almost one in the morning scouring the classifieds for someone near me that's giving away kittens. I know I know, "Why would New York Giants Quarterback, Joel Phillips be looking for a free kitten in the wee hours of the morning?" Well I'll tell you. My daughter Corina, or Corie as I call her was playing with a friend in the neighborhood, and that friend had a cat. Now she thinks she needs one. So who is the guilty party who owns the cat my daughter fell in love with? I thought I'd just have the uncomfortable task of learning piggy tails and a French braid this summer, but no, she wants to have a cat and name it Mrs. Sprinkles. I repeat, Mrs. Sprinkles. So why am I still looking for a cat when I could just tell her not now? Because, I'm her daddy and anyone who has kids will know the kind of pressure you put on yourself to make them happy.

So now you know a little about me and what I do late at night, why don't you tel me something about yourself.

Jun. 22nd, 2013


All About Joel )

Jun. 22nd, 2012

IC Contact Post

sam worthington photo:  sam2.gif

Hey, you've reached Joel's phone. I'm not available right now. In fact I'm probably either doing one of two things; Something football-related or something with my daughter Corie. Please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible. Thanks and Go Giants!

Jun. 22nd, 2011


Sam worthington photo: Sam Worthington sam-worthington-sera-el-protagonist.jpg

Storyline Requests?
Problem Solving?

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Twitter: staceface82
Gmail Docs Account: staceface82@gmail.com

Personal Info
Name ~ Stacey
Age ~ Old Enough
Timezone ~ Central
Experience ~ 12ish years