August 2012

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April 11th, 2008

Loopy, that's me

Since I last posted - last Wednesday - about how the work week already seemed about six days long, I have not had a single day off. Not only have I worked every day, Friday-Tuesday I also helped remodel a kitchen. This kitchen, in fact. )

Add to that the fact that yesterday and today, my work days have ended...oh, around this time. I just finished working for the day (because I can no longer be coherent) and yesterday I finally sent in the rush job I spent all day working on at half past one. Kill. Me. NOW.

But yesterday I remembered a segment Samantha Bee did on The Daily Show last month, and watching it periodically throughout yesterday and today has saved my sanity, I'm sure. I still laugh till I cry every single time. )

Before this madness started, I got about halfway done with the next installment of my Aeryn picspam, so I'm hoping to have that posted sometime this weekend.

See Barney? That's how I feel right now.

Well, I now know what I'm doing instead of having that relaxing weekend I've been dreaming about: Restoring my web site, which got HACKED. (Fuck!)

Just as a public service, since I've spent all day dealing with this shit, here's some tips. )

[info]winter_baby and [info]bellanut, I've checked your galleries and so far I haven't seen any signs of them being hacked (hacked galleries have a row of black characters at the top and bottom. Also, my script blocker pops up), but you might want to take the preventative measures I listed under the cut. Also, [info]winter_baby, the original FNL gallery has been compromised, so I'm just going to delete it entirely (I only say this because I noticed you hadn't uploaded the caps for episode 2 yet, so you might want to do that).

Right now, the galleries that are affected are offline or the directories renamed (another side-effect seems to be that I can't log into some of them to take them offline). So far, I've only restored some of the smaller galleries, like Eureka, The Black Donnellys and [spooks], but I hope to get vm-caps and the movie gallery up and running tonight.

Wow, this sure is FUN. /sarcasm
