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May. 12th, 2008

site unseen

I bought the first season of Love My Way on DVD and watched it this past week. )

I've also watched ReGenesis up through season 3. )

Last week, for the first time in several years, I actually entered an icon challenge. I don't even know what came over me, I was just journal-hopping and suddenly I had Photoshop open and was making challenge icons. Don't know if it'll be a regular thing, but I had fun!

Another thing I've been doing since I last posted is working on my galleries.

I've got a new look (well, as for right now, it's only the Dexter gallery, since I've been working out some kinks).

The main thing I've been trying to do is to resize the fullsize images on the intermediate image page using html, and I finally got it working! I am NOT using intermediate pictures. If you right-click and view the image on that page, or if you save it to your hard drive, you'll get the fullsized one.

Personally, I always copy the image and paste it into Photoshop when I make icons, and I've been trying to find a way of not having to use an intermediate picture, but still being able to see the whole thing without the need to scroll sideways. As it turns out, the theme I'm using also meant some restrictions, so I ended up resizing the images to fit the gallery width so it didn't start looking weird.

If you absolutely hate it, you can always change the theme by adding ?theme=water_drop (my old theme) to the url. Otherwise, you'd better get used to it because I'm slowly changing all my galleries over to the new theme. Except I'll probably do something different for vm-caps.

Also, what do you guys think of the film strip showing seven images? I feel like I get lost with so many there, maybe five is enough?


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