August 2012

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July 14th, 2008

brand new religion

After my last post I was completely embarrassed and at the same time, perversely proud to notice that the episodes I listed as having watched since the previous post amounted to 87. In NINE days. And over the next 24 hours I watched another 13 episodes, bringing my total for those ten days up to an even 100 (ten of which were Greek )). All this while working full-time (but not very hard, I must confess), having at least two game nights with friends and reading tons of fanfic. I'm not sure how I did it.

But considering my resolve to watch at least the first seven seasons of The X-Files before the movie premieres (which is August 1st here, giving me an extra week), I'm hoping I'll stay in this strange time vortex for just a little while longer. Right now, I'm on 2x10, and I'm hoping to finish seasons 2 and 3 before the end of the week.

Also, I'm thinking I should cap some episodes as I go (because even though there ARE caps for most episodes, the quality is sadly lacking), but I can't really figure out which ones to cap except for Paper Hearts, so any suggestions/requests would be welcome.

[info]crackers4jenn's recent icon post made me remember this set of pictures, so I set about making myself a wallpaper from the cover (now that I can put it into rotation!). The fruit of my labors, if anyone's interested:
