Abortion is still illegal in the Republic, and women from there who want an abortion have to travel to England or Wales. I'm pleased Northern Ireland has taken this step, though I worry about the people who work in the clinic and those who will utilise it.
I hope Padraig is looking after things there. This is a step in the right direction.
He says, knowing that the church would murder him for it and this will come back to bite him in the ass. The Church always did hate it when I stood up for the rights of women. As if it was some kind of foreign concept. Absolutely ridiculous.
Abortion is still illegal in the Republic, and women from there who want an abortion have to travel to England or Wales. I'm pleased Northern Ireland has taken this step, though I worry about the people who work in the clinic and those who will utilise it.
I hope Padraig is looking after things there. This is a step in the right direction.
He says, knowing that the church would murder him for it and this will come back to bite him in the ass. The Church always did hate it when I stood up for the rights of women. As if it was some kind of foreign concept. Absolutely ridiculous.
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