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Jan. 12th, 2013


Beauxbatons - in French

Well, honestly - for a country where some people like to turn up their noses at all things foreign, the British really do work themselves up into such a ridiculous tantrum sometimes. I can't recall a single instance where people have said such nasty things about Madame Maxime! Carrying on from Sophie's entry, if that woman isn't part giant herself, I shall eat my hat. Does that mean I care about her heritage? Not one bit. With regards to some of these people who have been so unpleasant about Professor Hagrid - such as the boy in the article - I would be very interested to know what their views on blood status are. Prejudices towards one thing are usually followed closely by more prejudices towards something else.

Anyway, on a much more pleasant note, how are things going with people's dates to the Ball? Is anyone going on another date with their partner? (Elodie, we know what your answer will be, naturellement). Henry asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him the next time there is an organised trip. I think I will. It will be nice to see how things go when attending with one of the locals.

Dec. 19th, 2012


So. I have somehow ended up actually having a date to the ball, right after saying I was perfectly happy without one. That is really not what I expected to happen.

Beauxbatons - aka Team Young, Fabulous and French (ish). In French.

His name is Henry, and he is one of the 7th year students. From Hufflepuff, I think - they are the ones who wear black and yellow, yes? He is in my Muggle Studies class, and he seems to be quite quiet, just not shy. I suppose that is why I was surprised that he asked me - that he's quiet, I mean. Luckily, he's tall, so we won't look ridiculous together if I wear heels.

On a different note, at the weekend I am thinking of doing something along the lines of a Cabane a Sucre (that's a Sugar Shack to Anglophones) because there is plenty of fresh snow. It's something I talked about with some of the students from my school, but I forgot about it until my grandmother sent me some traditional syrup and maple sugar in another gift package. I have included a picture here so you can see what a traditional one looks like.

Wave wand for picture )

Dec. 9th, 2012


In all honesty, I am rather enjoying the process of getting ready for the ball. I always find them to be fun sort of event, and to that end, I don't care about having a date or not. It is one of those things that I feel if it happens, it happens, and if not, it is something that is not a barrier to enjoying myself. I have chosen an outfit, but I may yet make some adjustments to it, depending on my mood closer to the time. I think it will turn out quite well.

Team BB - French

So, I think I had an idea for after the ball. How about a Beauxbatons after-party? It would be for us, plus any dates from outside our school. The only problem is where we could have such an event. Does anyone know what curfew rules are during the Hogwarts holidays? I suppose Madame Maxime might allow us to have a select group of guests within the coach, rules depending. Any ideas are welcome at this point.

Also, what is the date situation with everyone?

Nov. 17th, 2012


I have to say, I have really enjoyed this first month and getting to have a good look around the castle. I have found myself lost on more than one occasion, but some of the ghosts have been polite enough to help and to point me back in the right direction when I've needed it. I suppose when you're dead you have plenty of time to memorise the various layouts and routes around the place.

Mostly, though, I've been trying to find my way back to a particular place, and failing. It was way back at the start of the month when I found a room that was really interesting. I think it must have been several floors up, because I remember looking out of the window and it certainly wasn't within a floor or two of the ground outside. It appeared to be snowing, though, and I remember thinking that it was strange because I had just come in from outside where the sun had been shining. It looked a bit like when I am at home in Quebec and the winter had started. And just as I had thought that, a big squashy chair appeared, and the fireplace was lit. There was a big tray of snow, and I was able to pull out one of my maple syrup sweets from my bag, heat it, and use it to make snow taffy. I spent a good two or three hours in there, because it looked so much like one of the log cabins my grandmother has out in the woods. It was so comfortable that I was able to read some books that were in there too - including some books in French - curled up under a big cosy blanket. I've never been able to find that room since, though.

Nov. 2nd, 2012


I thought it might be a nice idea, as we are all still getting to know each other, to put some pictures in my journal. If people want to join in, it would be great to read what other people have to say, whatever school they come from.

Wave wand for pictures )

Oct. 30th, 2012


Bonsoir à tous. My name is Anaïs Bolduc, and I am a 7th year student at Beauxbâtons.

I will be taking Ancient Runes, Charms, Muggle Studies, Potions and Transfiguration with you this year. These are also the subjects I study in France. I will be missing playing Quidditch very much also. I am hoping to attend team tryouts at the end of the year, although I have not decided in which country yet, because I am not sure where I want to move long-term - like many of our girls, I am not actually French, so I have some decisions to make there.

I am looking forward to finding out what sort of clubs and societies you have at Hogwarts, as well as other things you have to do here.

Aug. 16th, 2012

Application for [info]gobletmods

Anaïs Bolduc )

Timetable )

May. 17th, 2012


Having given it some thought, I have come to a decision about which of my offers I am going to take for next year. For a number of reasons, I have decided to go with the offer of an analysis traineeship with the Tutshill Tornadoes, so I will be staying here in the UK. Not going back to France to live will be strange, but I think I will like it here.

One important thing done, one less to focus on.

Apr. 24th, 2012


Congratulations to all of the players who received offers from the scouts! It's an exciting time, as well as quite a serious one, so I hope people are able to enjoy having made a significant achievement as well as contemplating the future.

I decided several weeks ago that I was not going to try and get back to match fitness in order to go to tryouts over the summer, so I have been focusing on the Tournament and trying to help our squad rather than on what job I will have probably why I sucked so much at the interviews for office based stuff. Ugh. Not a single offer coming from those, I think - wait, scratch that. It was a surprise to receive some offers from teams on a support staff basis, so it seems I have some serious thinking to do of my own!

Private - French (addressed to herself, but Team Fab can read and comment)

Tutshill Tornadoes - assistant to the analyst

Pros: 1) Team has an excellent reputation, so I would be learning from one of the best. 2) Would allow for remaining in the UK, which I have grown to become fond of. 3) Match Analysis not something I had necessarily considered as a career, but would not be too difficult as it is almost the same as strategy, just after the game and not beforehand.

Cons: 1) It's not France. Or Canada. Would I like living here on an almost permanent basis? Would I be able to have much of a social life? 2) Do I know anyone associated with the Tornadoes who can give me an honest opinion? 3) Is analysis what I really want to do?

Karasjok Kites - assistant to the strategist

Pros: 1) More up and coming than the teams involved in the other offers, which would be quite exciting. 2) I hear Norway is a beautiful country and that the wizarding community is very welcoming. 3) Despite being an intern/trainee role, it pays a LOT more than the other offers - probably to try and get people there in the first place.

Cons: 1) It's Norway. I literally don't know anyone there - unless you count the Krum brothers. That could get lonely, which is a MASSIVE con. 2) Would I prefer strategy after all? I think I might be better at the sort of strategy relating to personal preparation rather than tactics, unless that's self doubt creeping in. Not sure if this is a con, as after all, I'd be there to be trained to do the job.

Quibeiron Quafflepunchers - assistant to the analyst

Pros: 1) IT'S A FRENCH TEAM. Much of my family is at least based here and it would be so lovely to be able to visit my friends who stay in the country on a regular basis. And to be based in Paris! Mon dieu, the thought! 2) Another top team, so again, the same advantages as the Tornadoes, really, on that front.

Cons: 1) Not all of my friends intend to stay in France, so I will still have to travel. 2) There is a lot to be said for expanding one's horizons by living in another country - and let's face it, I've been doing that since the age of 11 anyway.

Brothers Krum -in English

You guys are half Norwegian, right?

Apr. 19th, 2012


My entire set of knitting needles has vanished, with the one exception of that which I am currently using to finish up a project. Also missing is a small ball of cord, left over from trimming a quilt. It is an odd combination of things to disappear... and I would appreciate their return, if someone finds them. They would not be the best of materials to use if one wanted to make a very small rope ladder, for instance.

Warded to Beauxbâtons - cut for length )

Mar. 30th, 2012


Planning for careers, being such a serious thing, has taken up a significant amount of my time during this break - as has revision for the exams, naturally. So it was lovely to be able to spend time in the countryside with the rest of our team, before we come back and really focus on what will be a busy term ahead.

Team Fabulous - Girls & Guys
It really has been wonderful. The whole break has, really - I feel like my mind has been cleared and I am able to look forward to the next term and focus even harder than before on what we need to do.

Team Fabulous 7th years (Alphonse, Anais, Didi, René & Seb)
Would I be correct in assuming that the rest of you are aiming for one of the pro teams?

Feb. 26th, 2012


Beauxbatons - French

This stupid doll will not stop crying. How do you make it stop?! I cannot even think, much less do anything useful!

One thing I have considered over the past few days is the fact I am definitely not going to have children for at least ten years. But then, that is something I had decided before this 'assignment', so I don't suppose you can call it a lesson learned.

Feb. 22nd, 2012


Qamar Cooke

So. What do you think about this fake-baby business?

There is a saying that if something is worth doing, it's worth doing well. Does that mean that if something is a waste of time, you can do it spectacularly badly?

Feb. 10th, 2012


It is not long yet until the birthday of our dear Alphonse. February has been rather a busy month for us, but I do not complain, because it has been a good one.

I won't be joining the Dueling Club tournament, but best of luck to those who are participating. I'm sure it will be an interesting exercise.

Feb. 4th, 2012


Team BB - French


Today, you all showed your strength of character and proved JUST what being from our school is all about. And in this I mean all of you - Captain, first team, reserves and all. We have suffered our disappointments thus far in the tournament, but you have proved the strength of character I know you all have. In the stands I swear I was about to cry with joy, like a proud mother or something. I feel like I could just hug each and every single one of you. Even you, Gabriel, but I shan't because I know you don't like that.

All of our playing roster has worked extremely hard since the last match, and you all absolutely have the blessing of Coach Marat to celebrate in whichever way you see fit. As for me, I shall definitely be joining all of you in that. A wonderful way to celebrate Julien and Alphonse's birthdays, no?

Your very happy manager wishes you all a wonderful weekend.

An Anglophone friend of mine once taught me the phrase "happy bunny", to describe a person who is very content for a particular reason. Today, I feel this describes me rather well.

However, my best wishes to the Hogwarts delegation and supporters. It was a game I felt privileged to watch.

Feb. 1st, 2012


All Beauxbatons - French

Thank goodness the journals are functioning properly again.

Anyway, I have received a request which I was not expecting at this moment, and I would appreciate the point of view of you all (and yes, I mean all). Actually, Julien, I would particularly appreciate yours, as our writer/announcer.

I would like to wish our wonderful team writer/announcer, Julien Quick-Chen, a very happy 17th birthday. May you have a lovely day and a great year ahead, mon cher.

Jan. 28th, 2012


Team BB - French

Well, everyone, with less than a week to go until the match, I am excited for what the outcome will be. Players and reserves, you have all been training very hard, and I cannot wait to show Hogwarts what a Beauxbatons team is truly capable of. Each and every one of you has a lot of talent, or you would not be here. What I have seen in terms of you all being desperate to play hard for yourselves and each other does you credit. Let us keep a confident and strong spirit going forward, yes? The next few days are more vital than those preceding any of our past matches, but I truly believe we can do this - otherwise, I would not be writing this now, and Coach Marat would not insist on working you the way she is. I don't know about the rest of you, but I do not see her as being the sort of coach who would so waste her time. We have faith in you, and all I can now ask is for you to have faith in yourselves.

Please let us win...

Team BB - without Julien and Alphonse - still in French

On a lighter note, I am wondering what you all think we should do to celebrate Julien and Alphonse's birthdays. I think Alphonse would probably prefer a slightly quieter gathering than we have had for previous celebrations, but I confess I know Julien slightly less well. Sixth years, what do you think?

Of course, with Julien's birthday being before the match, we cannot let ourselves get distracted either. We should probably bear this in mind, also.

In my more distracted moments, I sometimes think I would like to be an Astronomy teacher. Or at least, to work with the stars. It helps one keep one's thoughts in perspective, I feel.

Jan. 5th, 2012


Ah, Thursdays. My busiest day of the week over and done with already. The first week back at school always seems to go so fast - I can't decide whether or not this is a good thing, however.

In the end, we made a last minute decision to spend the holidays in Paris. If we had gone back to Québec, it would of course have been one long journey to get back to France, and then of course I would have to go back to school to get the carriage back here, anyway. It was so nice to see Le Palais again, though very strange to think that we would not be staying there along with the rest of our fellows for the spring term.

Team Fabulous - French

I hope everyone is feeling sufficiently rested now after the chaos that is the return to school. Coach Marat and I will be finalising the training schemes over the weekend, so if there is anything you have not mentioned already but you feel worth doing so - either as individuals or matters of whole team development - then let me know when you can. The plans are never set in stone, because I think we need to be flexible enough to allow for any changes that may occur, so don't feel you cannot approach either of us with your concerns throughout the term. I am certain that Didi is the same - oui, mon cher?

Oh, and by the by, I brought some of my magic-friendly yoga manuals back with me from France, so if anyone would like to join me in a practice, you would be most welcome. I was glad to be able to take it up again during the holidays - it's one of those multi-purpose activities that is both useful and restful.

Dec. 12th, 2011


So. I have a dare that involves eating haggis, which means I need to find out where I can get one from. It sounds pretty horrible, though.

Sebastien - French

I have a proposition for you.

Team BB - French


Dec. 10th, 2011


Well, the career day was certainly most illuminating although not in a good way. It was as interesting to see the wide range of careers that people's families do as much as anything else, and of course, my parents were there in one of the Ministry of Magic booths. Father works in international diplomacy and Mother for the Wizengamot Administration Services back in France, so she was helping with the international area instead. I am still not entirely sure what I want to do after the TOAD exams. Actually, I do, but I don't think I can get there Hopefully I will be able to make a firm decision before we all return home.

On a personal front, I have completed both putting together my gala outfit again, nothing I can really show off there... or rather, I have no-one to dress up for and my first term's projects. I did a piece of art textiles in the form of a large drape, which is about the size of one of the bed covers here at Hogwarts. I took a photo of a close-up section, but it is similarly replicated all over the whole design, because I've been experimenting with details, particularly beading.

Wave wand for the photo )

I also completed an oversized knitted tunic that I have been making. The weather is obviously much warmer in the south of France, so it is nice to be able to get back into the habit of making knitwear again, as that is my particular area of expertise.

Wave wand for the photo )

Now to think of what my next projects shall be - but as I have the lovely books that my friends bought for my birthday, I will definitely be able to get stuck into brainstorming ideas over the holidays.

The Ladies of Team Fabulous (aka Anais, Dani, Elodie, Aurelia, Filipa, Cielo (in French)

Here is my outfit:

Wave wand for the photo

I think it will be good to show the other schools that we indeed live up to our billing. Also, Elodie, I am very happy that that silly (yet lovely) boy has finally asked you to go to the gala with him. It was about time.

Is anyone else attending with a particular person? I'm not

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