Saint Patrick ☘
12 September 2010 @ 01:25 am
In the middle of October every year the kids at my shelter put on a play, or so I've just been told. I'm new here, so it's news to me! I think it's fantastic, though! This year they're choosing between Romeo and Juliet, which I vetoed because it has been done to death (though my veto means nothing!), and It's a Wonderful Life. It's a Christmas play in a way, sure, but I hope they choose that. It's got some real resonance to it. And as much as I appreciate Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet are kind of idiots and the main point of the story isn't so much life affirming as it is...death...affirming.

We'll see how it goes, but I'm really excited about this. It gives these kids something to look forward to and something to accomplish while working with other people, and I think that's great.

Also, my apartment is now filled with herbs and it's adorable. Dewi and his green thumb!
Current Mood: excited